(no subject)

Aug 25, 2011 19:52

What a crazy freaking week. Mother Nature?  I don't know what we've done to piss you off, but this is getting a little extreme.

First, we here on the East Coast of the States suffered the most notable earthquake in over a century, and since most of us wouldn't have been alive back then, we were obviously ill prepared for when shit starts shaking.  (West Coasters still shaking their heads in shame can suck it.)  Me?  I'm about 100-120ish miles North-east of the epicenter.

I was sprawled out on the floor fooling around online with the demonic feline curled up on my back snoozing.  Thought perhaps it was just tremors from some construction vehicle or something with the newer apartment buildings across the pond opening within the next few weeks, but then I heard things starting to shudder and the settling and shaking of my own building moving.  Let me tell ya, that there is something I would be happy never to experience again.  I went hauling ass out of my room and dashed out the rear sliding glass door, where I found all of my neighbors out in similar states of shock. (The cat had hauled ass from it's perch to go hide underneath my sister's bed for the next few hours.)

Thankfully there was no damage here.  My phone started going crazy with everyone trying to play phone tree and find out where everyone else was and if they were okay.  Mom was at work in DC, of course, so she was there in all of the crazy of the evacuations and all.  But lucky as we were with a 5.8, it still doesn't change the fact that it was one hell of an eye-opener.

And now?  Now I'm settled into my big comfy chair with the cat alternately hiding under his blanket and creeping over to watch a thunderstorm rage outside.  Kind of ironic considering we've now got a massive hurricane barreling it's way over the ocean.  Spent the bulk of my day today out with my sister and grandmother braving panicked locals as they stockpiled essentials to get us through the weekend.  Right now Irene is apparently hovering between a strong Category 3 or beginning to inch towards a Category 4.  They've already issued mandatory evacuations for one of the beach resorts starting tonight at midnight, and Delmarva (Delaware, Maryland and Virginia for you non-Americans) plus some states North of us have all already issued states of emergency.

Trying to make sure I have everything and anything all charged to capacity should we lose power; my iPod for our radio so we can hear alerts, my Kindle for entertainment if/when my netbook dies, and of course my cell phone since we have never bothered to have a land line installed here.  We called my BFF Allan who still lives in Rehoboth, right downtown near the boardwalk and made sure he knew that he, his husband and their puppy were more than welcome to suffer the storm inland here with us.  I suppose we'll find out tomorrow if they'll be coming, Delaware is slow as sin when it comes to evacuations.

Either way, the sister unit and I have done all we can do to prepare, all that's left is to hold our breath and see how things all pan out.  They're saying it's going to be officially here Saturday night-ish, so we'll just have to wait and see.  We've got plenty of food, the demon has plenty of food.  Piles of DVD's to watch and I'm still chewing through my rediscovered personal library in my unemployed state, and WoW so long as I have interwebs and power.  Who knows, maybe I'll even update again while being house-locked for the next few days~

random rabble, hi world!, wtf mother nature, rambles

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