oneshot; i miss your touch, please come home to me

Aug 31, 2009 18:52

[OOC: A small oneshot drabble I wrote for Lavi when he comes back from France]

He had been lying in his bed, arms above his head and clutching at his pillow. No, he hadn't been crying; he had just gotten something in his eyes. No, he wasn't lonely; he just liked his personal space sometimes. His silver bangs hid his shut eyes as he buried his cheek in his pillow, blankets wrapped haphazardly around his legs and a corner of the sheet draped across his back. He had been in there for a long time, some number of hours, but hell, who was counting? He wanted something that was so far away, a desire that was crushed under the silence he was brooding in, and he needed that familiarity he was so used to. It had been many days since he last felt it and he craved it like his last drug.

But he knew it wouldn't come today. It hadn't come to him yesterday, nor the day before that, nor the day before that... Perhaps tomorrow? It was just a small touch, perhaps a smile he needed to see, a small ripple in space to remind him that--

A hand was in his hair, stroking his cheek and brushing his bangs out of his eyes. He slowly opened them, turning his head to look up and was greeted by looking into a smile and a twinkling green eye. A wave of relief washed over him and for a moment, he was too surprised to speak.

"I'm back, beansprout."

Allen never had a truer smile in his life as he then leaned up and embraced Lavi tightly.

"Welcome back."
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