OOC: Erm... what?

Aug 31, 2009 23:08

Okay, seriously. What's been going on I don't know about? Cause I'm about up to here *points to the ceiling* with confusion. No one can tell me what's going on IRL or in RP and I'm about as lost in the dark as a five year-old kid without a flashlight.

NO RP in this journal right now AT ALL. It's all us. Not our characters. So someone please tell me what's going on so we can fix it, get it over with, and forget the drama happened... Because I'm starting to believe something's happened with us relating too much to our characters and putting more of us inside them and believing for time and again that we ARE them when we're not. Roleplay used to be for fun, to be our getaway, but it looks like it's suddenly hurting us more than helping us and I really want to know why so we can all fix it.

Someone PLEASE tell me what's going on. Because I feel like I'm the only one who's not informed. Speak your mind; you won't hurt my feelings.

For a wake-up call, please see Deak's post here: 48thdeak.livejournal.com/973.html

For a more blunt approach and more than I could ever express, please see Kanda's post here: pro-aeternitas.livejournal.com/5659.html

Please also see Millenium Earl's post here (considering she just got back and is all "WTF" about this): millenium-earl.livejournal.com/1773.html
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