Very quick update!

Feb 16, 2020 19:12

I rescued a bunch of S&L bits and pieces from my old hard drive, yay for that. Still haven't been able to find the rest of the thing I posted about three years ago...Feck. Sorry about that!

Put a new layout up for here since photobucket refuses to display anything until I give them money so balls to that. Header uploaded to LJ scrapbook instead. At least it's prettier to look at than a bunch of broken images!

I'm considering writing some timestamp fics for this 'verse, as a few people asked when I returned to my own LJ. Given that it seems VERY FEW people are even around on here anymore..shall I say first three people to comment can give me a prompt? This might work, it might not, because as of late my writing ability has been non-existent. And when I say 'of late' I mean I haven't actually completed a thing in about two years. Or more. I've kind of lost track a bit over the past few years. Guess that's what happens when you get old! I was 23 when I joined LJ. I'm about to turn 40.


Anyway...yes. Hi. Here's one of the pics I rescued because I honestly don't know if it even shows up on here anymore.

general: author post

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