Ficlet : Everything You Ever Need

Feb 24, 2020 20:17

Title: Everything You Ever Need
Author: eviltwin
Fandoms: Supernatural RPS AU, Smoke&Lightning 'Verse.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki.
Rating: PG.
Wordcount: 1,554
Summary: Matt realises a dream of his own, then is allowed to let another come true.
Disclaimer: None of the following is true in any way, and no profit is made from this work of fiction.
Notes: Written for batman_mcghee for prompt 'sappy parents.' Be warned, I haven't written much of anything for a good long while, so I reeeeeally hope this is okay!

He could hear something buzzing, then a low murmur of his name sounding through the fog of sleep. He groaned, not wanting to move, but then Jared's hand squeezed his shoulder and he forced his eyes open.

"What time is it?" he croaked.

"Early," Jared told him, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry, but that's the second time your pager's gone off. Late night, huh?"

Jensen sighed. He hadn't gotten home until gone three in the morning, following a late night surgery at the hospital. Jared had already been asleep and hadn't stirred when Jensen got into bed beside him. Now it was just four hours later and it sounded like they wanted him back.

"I have a patient," he started, and Jared nodded in understanding.

"I know. You gotta get back. I'll get Hannah to school. Just..promise you'll make it back in time tonight?"

Jensen was pushing back the covers now, but paused at that. "Tonight?" he repeated.

"It's Friday, Jen. Guess you lost track of time, too."

"Yeah. Fuck, okay. I'll..I'll be back. I promise."

"He'll want you there."

"I'll make sure I'm back, Jay."

"And try and get some more sleep in the meantime."

He didn't know how likely that was, but he nodded anyway and reached for his phone. Jared kissed his cheek as he dialled the hospital and said he'd see him later.

Jensen had managed to grab an hour in the break room in the middle of the day, and he made it back through his front door just as Hannah was setting the table for dinner. She stopped when she saw him, came over and gave him a hug. Something that had changed when they'd started riding their horses together, the bond between them had grown a bit stronger every day. Jared had been right about that.

"Hey, sweetheart. Where's your brother?"

"Upstairs, probably having a panic attack. Everyone knows he'll be fine except for him I guess."

"I think I'd be nervous in his shoes too. And your father?"

"Trying and failing to calm Matt down."

"Got it." He was surprised when Hannah squeezed him tight again, and he kissed the top of her head. "Everything okay?" he asked.

"It's okay," she told him, stepping away this time. "Just a couple of people at school being pricks." Her cheeks went bright red after saying that, and Jensen couldn't help but smile at how wide her eyes went when she looked at him. "I mean-"

"Relax. What did these pricks do?"

She sat at the table then, so Jensen pulled out his own chair and sat as well, watching her. "They're just..." She sighed, met his eyes. "They were bad-mouthing Matty, because of tonight. Calling him names."

"What kind of names?"

She gave him a pointed look at that. "The usual. Anyway it doesn't matter, because I told them what for."

He studied her for a second, then reached across and covered her hands. "And that's what you're worried about? You think you're going to get in trouble for that?"

She shrugged. "It's not like I hit them or anything. I wanted to, but I didn't."

"Then that's fine. Hey, we're proud of you, all of us, for standing up for your family. They'll get bored and move on eventually. You know it's just jealousy that makes them talk that way."

"I know."

Jensen turned then at footsteps on the stairs and watched as Jared came into view. "How's he doing?" he asked, as Jared went straight to the stove to stir whatever was cooking there.

"Better. I told him he's going to kill it, which he will because he always does. Go tell him you're home, though, because I think that's what's been worrying him the most. That you wouldn't make it in time."

"I will. Do I have time for a shower?"

"Ten minutes."

They took the bikes to the school, Hannah rode behind Jared while Matt went with Jensen. Jensen could already see Jeff's truck parked up in the lot, and he knew that the other two motorcycles he could see parked up meant that his sister and mom had also beaten them here. A couple of students were watching as he took off his helmet and felt Matt get off the bike behind him. He turned to watch his son unstrap his own helmet and took it from him once it was off.

"Okay?" he asked, seeing Matt glance over at his fellow students.

"Yeah. I'd better get in there."

Jensen hung the helmets off the handlebars of his Triumph for a moment, just long enough to pull Matt into a loose hug. "You're going to do amazing, man. I know it. We'll see you after, alright?"

"Yeah," he said again, and Jensen could hear the nerves in there. Still, he smiled over at his sister and gave her a little wave. "See ya later, banana."

"Break a leg," she told him.

Jared was watching him, he knew, but he didn't care. Didn't care that he was so obviously emotional right now as he joined the rest of the audience on their feet, clapping and whistling. Calling out for another encore. The few parents around him that knew he was Matt's dad congratulated him then on his son's talent and he just thanked them, made a joke about not having to watch The Greatest Showman movie again for a good long while.

Whatever nerves Matt had been displaying earlier had disappeared the moment he strode onto the stage and from then on he'd pretty much commanded the performance. Singing had been his passion for a good few years now and it showed. Jensen knew it was part of the reason he endured the comments that he did, but he was proud of the way Matt handled it. The way Hannah handled it too, now they were in the same school.

He felt Jared's hand grab at his then and looked over at him, unsurprised when he leaned in for a kiss. "Our kids are incredible, huh?" Jared said as he pulled away.

"Reading my mind again?"

"Don't have to, it's written all over your face."

"They really are."

Jeff and Stevie found them just as Matt joined them all, still in his costume from the show. He was grinning from ear to ear as Hannah hugged him tightly, and he flipped the hat from his head and put it on her instead.

"How does it feel to be the most talented kid in the room?" Jeff asked, reaching out to shake his grandson's hand.

"Pretty good."

"You're gonna go real far, you know that?"

After a round of congratulations and praise from the rest of the family, Jensen indicated that it was time to get out of there. Hannah was going with Jeff and Stevie and their kids, so she kept the hat on that Matt had given her. They would follow them to Galileo's where several tables were booked and they would probably be there until late into the night. Jensen waited, saying he'd let them all get a head start. Jared hung around as well and Matt had to know they wanted to talk to him on his own.

"What's going on?" he asked. "Aren't we going to be late?"

"They'll wait. We just wanted a moment, tell you how proud we are of you."

Matt was blushing already, he couldn't help it. "I know, Dad. I-"

"Hey, let me finish, huh?" Jared rested his hand on the saddle of his Indian. "We love you. And, you know, whatever you need from us to keep on this path you're on, you gotta just tell us. Jeff was right, you are going to go far."

"I hope so."

"I know so. C'mere." Jared pulled Matt in and gave him a warm hug, ruffling his hair when he let him go.

"What he said," Jensen said, smiling. "Anything you need. Oh, and this.." He held out the keys for his Triumph and Matt stared at him for a full ten seconds before Jensen took his hand and pressed the keys into them. "I know it's not Angel, but since she's not here this is the next best thing. Go on. Dad and me, we'll be right behind you the whole way."

"Are you serious?" Matt asked, his voice a little high. "What if-"

"You'll be fine. Your dad's about the best teacher there is. And like I said, we'll be right behind you."

Matt surprised him then with a bone-crushing embrace, and Jensen heard the whispered thank you as he moved back to let him breathe. Then he was pulling his helmet on, fastening the straps tight before he swung his leg over the Triumph's saddle. He grinned at them as he started the engine and flipped his visor down, and that was when Jared gave Jensen's arm a light jab.

"Uh. I think we'd better-"

"Yeah," Jensen agreed, hurrying to get his own helmet on. He was proud as hell of their kid - so proud his chest hurt - but he remembered his own first time in charge of a motorcycle only too well. "Don't you let him out of your fucking sight," he muttered, as he joined Jared on the bike.

"Pretty sure I'm not gonna lose him dressed like that..."


extras: ficlet

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