[Fic] Valentines Fun (PoT) FujiRyo

Feb 16, 2007 01:46

Title: Valentines Fun
Author: Arccie
Fandom: PoT
Pairing: FujiRyo
Genre: gen with very bad humour and an edge of random
Rating: PG
Summary: It's Valentines Day and Fuji wants chocolate from Ryoma.
Author Notes: Heh, just thought I should make an attempt at something for Valentines Day and kept on plugging through until I got this random piece. It's only a day late this time and I really should have been working on my 3 other piece due in a week a half...but I really wanted to get something out before goin gto work tomorrow.

Valentine Fun

There was a pause in the loud screams and squeals outside the room, heralding the angry arrival of Kaidoh.

Glaring at the room’s occupants he huffed furiously and turned to find his locker. “Fssh!”

Stepping out nonchalantly from behind Kaidoh, Ryoma smirked at the damage the fan girls had wrought on the rest of the Seigaku regulars’ uniforms.

“That’s a nice look on you Momo.” He snarked. “What was it you were going for? Mauled by rabid dog?”

“Oi, Echizen, that’s not funny. There are some seriously scary girls out there.” Momo complained. “How the heck did a runt like you make it through those girls without them stripping you bare for their enjoyment?”

Ryoma flushed faintly, shrugging. “Maybe they were too awed by my presence to maul me.”

Momo’s face screwed up in disgust as he reached out and pulled the younger boy into a head lock, harshly ruffling his hair. “You know you sounded just like Atobe, you arrogant brat. Try the truth this time.”

“Che, fine. “He struggled momentarily against Momo’s hold, giving up quickly when the grip didn’t ease one bit. “I snuck in behind Kaidoh. All the girls out there practically ran away from him, guess they didn’t notice me when they were fleeing for their lives.”

Laughing loudly, Momo crowed, “The viper’s face is so ugly all the girls run in fear in case whatever condition he’s got is contagious.”

Kaidoh looked up, eyes flashing, from where he’d been stoically ignoring the conversation. “Fsssh! Say that again buttface!”

Momo sneered, arms unconsciously tightening around Ryoma. “At least I have admirers. All you’ve got is your ugly face.”

“Bastard!” Kaidoh fronted up to Momo.

“Viper!” Momo drew himself in an attempt to tower over his rival.

The two locked glares, the tension humming between them as they tried to force each other to back down.

Oishi fluttered beside them both, trying to attract Momo’s attention to the boy he still held in a headlock whose face was turning slightly blue. “Momoshiro, he can’t breathe. If you don’t let go I’ll…I’ll…”

“Ban him from eating.” Kikamaru put in helpfully, smiling happily at the relieved look Oishi directed his way.

“I’ll ban you from the after tournament sushi celebration.”

“Eh?” The threat to his food brought him out of his dead lock with Kaidoh, finally releasing the sputtering freshman. “Err, sorry Echizen.”

Ryoma glared at Momo, taking careful aim to knock the older boy’s knees out from under him, ignoring the look of wounded surprise directed his way as Momo fell into Kaidoh.

Moving to find his own locker, he ignored the group of boy remaining by the door, tuning out Momo and Kaidoh’s snarls of displeasure as they tried to disentangle themselves, Inui’s pleased mutterings, Oishi’s desperate cries and Kikamaru’s cheers.

Stopping beside the only other occupant in the room not getting himself involved in Momo and Kaidoh’s fight, he casually handed Fuji a small package, stepping around the other boy to get to his locker.

“My Ryoma,” Fuji cooed as his hand easily tore at the wrapping, “you shouldn’t have.”

Ignoring him, Ryoma began to strip down so he could get into his sports uniform, before a looming presence beside him made him freeze in apprehension.

“My my, Ryoma.” Fuji purred, blues eyes glinting. “You really shouldn’t have.” The card trapped between his fingers tapped lightly against his lip. “What was it now? Ah yes, I remember. ‘Dear Ryoma, your very presence dazzles me and leaves me breathless. Whenever you smile at me I can feel our hearts connect. You are a true shining star, which I would dearly love to hold within my palms. Please accept my heart felt affection for you. Thinking of you, Miyakawa Yui.” Crushing the card in his hand, Fuji fixed Ryoma with a dangerous glare. “Care to explain ‘oh shining one’?”

Ryoma frowned at him. “Momo was right; there really are some scary girls out there.”

Fuji sighed, eyes sliding closed once more. “Why did you give me some of the chocolate you received?”

Finishing getting changed, Ryoma knelt to tie his shoes as he answered Fuji. “Well you said you wanted chocolate, and there was just so much chocolate on my desk this morning that I thought it would be the perfect way to avoid waste.”

“I wanted chocolate from you. Not your chocolate.” Fuji pouted

“Che, they’re the same thing.” He retorted, rising from his crouched position and settling his hat upon his head.

“Ahh, my dearest Ryoma no longer loves me.” The older boy sighed dramatically. “I think I shall go and drown my sorrows in the many kilos of chocolates my fan girls have given me, and become grotesquely over weight.”

Grabbing his racket, Ryoma swung his arm to settle it behind his shoulder, moving past Fuji on his way to the door he allowed a smirk to settle on his lips. “Well if that’s what you really want, who am I to stop you?” He took a few more steps before shooting a sly look over his shoulder. “I just thought you might want something a little less…commercial to celebrate the day.”

“Oh?” Fuji’s lips tilted upward, the pout transforming into a devilish smirk. “That sounds like it has possibilities.”

“Good,” Ryoma purred. “I’ll expect you at 8.”

“Mmm. I’m looking forward to your…surprise.” Fuji watched Ryoma sidle up behind Kaidoh as the other boy stormed away from Momo and out the door.

Looking at the hand me down chocolates still in his hand, Fuji hummed happily, promptly handing them over to Oishi. His smile widened as Oishi quickly flushed red right up to the tip of his ears, stammering a thankyou while looking faintly terrified. Eiji’s visible disgruntlement just added to his enjoyment.

Looks like he need not have to worry about his usually all too oblivious boyfriend.

Fuji grinned.

He had a date.


Fuji shot an annoyed look at his boyfriend. “Ryoma, washing your cat is not exactly the non-commercial activity I had in mind. I could do this if I volunteered at any random pet store.”

“But you wouldn’t have to pay for it.”

“No,” Fuji muttered, “they’d pay me to do it.”

“Well, what sort of Valentines gift were you expecting?” Ryoma asked brusquely.

“I was hoping for something along the lines of satin sheets,” Fuji’s tone turned molten, “drugged kisses, shared heat and entwined limbs.”

“Oh, but you can get that from any street corner if you know where to look.” Ryoma said sweetly.

Fuji’s head thunked loudly against the edge of the wash tub.

Comments appreciated. Criticisms considered. Flames ignored.

fic, fujiryo, pot

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