[Fic] Summer Chill (PoT) TezuRyo

Mar 03, 2007 03:09

Title: Summer Chill
Author: Arccie
Fandom: PoT
Pairing: TezuRyo
Genre: …not-quite-smut
Rating: T
Summary: Summer heat, ice and a secluded room.
Author’s Note: for shuffleupagus
I couldn’t resist…

Prompt: PoT (Tezuka/Ryoma) 5 things to do with ice.

Summer Chill

The sweltering summer sun radiated off roads and surrounding buildings, the city holding onto the heat and raising the temperature just that much higher.

Even Tezuka, as dedicated as he was to the sport, was discouraged from playing except in the darkest hours of the night when some of the heat finally began to escape the city structures. Knowing the boy’s habits as he did, Tezuka had worried that Echizen would use the weather as an excuse to stop practicing over the school break. As was his habit, he’d decided that teaching by example would be the best option and enticed the younger teen over to his house so they could travel to a nearby night court.

Mildly surprising to Tezuka was the fact that Echizen had seemed as driven to get together for a game of tennis as Tezuka was to get Echizen to practice. Still, it was Echizen and the older teen compensated for the boy’s tendency for tardiness by setting a meeting time an hour earlier than he really expected or wanted the boy to arrive. He’d never expected Echizen to arrive even earlier than the time he suggested.

Tezuka stared in consternation at the boy standing in his door way. “You’re early.”

Echizen’s lethargic gold eyes flicked towards him as his shoulders rolled with a lazy shrug. “Nothing else to do.”

Wondering if he had actually lost track of the time while absorbed in his studies, Tezuka glanced around surreptitiously for a clock. However, it really was a miracle of all miracles and the boy was early. Staring at him some more, the older teen tried to work out what he was supposed to do with him until their court booking.

Coughing quietly, Echizen waited until Tezuka’s gaze seemed to focus upon his face, raising his eyebrow sardonically. “So, am I allowed to come in?”

Immediately stepping out of the way, he gestured the younger teen in with a murmured, “Sorry.”

Smiling lightly, Echizen stepped past Tezuka and into the house, slipping his shoes from his feet before walking on the polished floorboards.

Recovering from his surprise, he finally remembered his manners, motioning the boy to go before him and asking after his choice of drinks.

Echizen flashed a look over his shoulder at him. “Ponta?” Yet, before Tezuka even had the time to respond, the younger boy sighed and said, “Iced water will be fine, thankyou.”

Tezuka complied with the request and lead Echizen to his bedroom.

“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you this early, so I have some work that needs to be completed before we go. Feel free to read any of the books on my shelves while you wait for me.” Tezuka said and pointed out the categorised book shelves beside his bed.

“Ah.” Echizen replied, not looking at Tezuka, gaze wandering around the room. He didn’t make his way towards the bookshelf, instead he crawled onto Tezuka bed, curling his feet beneath him as he looked questioningly at Tezuka.

Raising an eyebrow in a query of his own, Tezuka watched as Echizen raised his glass in ‘cheers’, ice cubes clinking gently against the side of the glass. Bemused, Tezuka shook his head and ventured over to his desk.

Sparing one more glance for the boy, Tezuka turned his mind to complex chemistry equations. It was a simple matter of concentration to ignore the quiet squeaks of bed springs and the muted rattle of ice moving within the glass along with Echizen’s movements, tuning out the other boy’s presence in his room.

Yet just as his mind started to puzzle his way through a difficult question of kinetic rates his ears pricked at the new sounds filtering into his environment.

A long drawn out moan of unrestrained pleasure.

The sound pulsed along his nerves and Tezuka couldn’t help but peek at its source. His hand jumped, line streaking across his paper as he became transfixed by the sight before him.

The boy in his bed had positioned himself in a lazy sprawl, head propped up on one elbow, face tilted back, eyes closed and what could only be described as a look of rapture twisting his features.

As Tezuka watched a piece of ice was retrieved from the glass and engulfed by Echizen’s cold plumped lips, teeth grinding to make short work of the cold treat. Barely a moment after that first piece was swallowed another piece was brought to those lips, pink tongue flicking out to curve along the cube’s edge.

Echizen’s tongue chased the liquid melting from the cube down along his fingers, coiling around his palm to chase the escaping drops along his wrist. When the ice began to slip in the boy’s grip, Echizen parted his lips, sucking the melting ice cube into his mouth along with his fingers.

Moist lips curved around his own fingers down to the second joint, cheeks hollowed with the force of his suction and a pleasured growl rumbling up through his throat.

Swallowing uncomfortably, Tezuka fought back his own pleasured groan at the picture the younger teen presented. With an eagerness barely hidden, his eyes followed the motion of those lips, gradually drifting across the planes of the younger boy’s face, along the delicate curve of his cheekbone to find himself gazing into slitted gold eyes.

Tezuka jolted in his seat, head whipping round to fix on his forgotten books, heart pounding fiercely in his chest. He stared at his papers, crushed unthinkingly as he’d watched Echizen. With only slightly trembling fingers he begun to smooth out the crumpled edges, glad he hadn’t been so caught up as to actually tear his efforts.

Just as he started to reach for his pen, he found his eyes slipping sideways, unable to stop himself from looking again.

Heavily lidded gold eyes caught his, layered with dark amusement and self confidence, the barest traces of a smirk curling up the corners of Echizen’s lips.

“Captain.” Echizen murmured breathily, blinking lazily.

The older teen felt the word almost as a physical caress, the word shivering along his skin.

“Echizen!” He tried for stern admonishment, but his voice betrayed him, making it sound like a plea.

Smiling victoriously, the younger boy stretched languidly, his hand reaching out to the glass of ice once more.

Holding Tezuka’s gaze, Echizen ran the piece of ice up the column of his throat, over the curve of his lips and back down. With a simple dip of his shoulder he revealed the edge of one collarbone for the ice to glide across, before lifting his hand and travelling downwards.

The hand holding the ice slipped under the hem of the boy’s shirt, the material sliding up as the hand progressed upwards. The movement exposing the taut ice slicked stomach and the hint of a pebbled nipple before the hand was removed, the cloth falling back into place as nimble fingers fought the glass for another piece of ice.

Starting at his navel, he pushed the ice downwards to trace along the waist of his pants in slower and slower movements. At the same time his free hand reached for the top of his shorts, slowly rolling the waist down.

Before the gesture had been completed, Tezuka was out of his chair and leaning heavily over the younger boy.

Smiling at him, Echizen pulled his hand back to his side. “So, Captain, like what you see?”

Tezuka didn’t answer, hand reaching up to trace along the boy’s angled collar bone before sliding further down to slip gently into his hair. Leaning further down, he murmured hotly against Echizen’s lips, “Tease.” The word was affectionate, the accusation lost in the searing emotion of the moment.

Without giving Echizen a chance to reply, Tezuka began to worry at the boy’s bottom lip, nibbling gently before soothing it with quick flicks of his tongue. Echizen’s hands reached up to grip at Tezuka’s arms, starting to get lost in the sensation Tezuka evoked. With determined concentration the older boy moved in to plunder Echizen’s mouth, delving deeper with every gasped moan released from the younger boy’s lips.

Freeing one hand from the younger boy’s grip, he trailed his hand down, brushing roughly across one clothed nipple and enjoying the way Echizen attempted to push further into the caress. However, Tezuka’s goal was lower still, his fingers wandering along the top of the boy’s pants, thumb tracing circles over his hip bone.

Leaning back from their kiss, the older boy gazed down at Echizen, one knee rising to give him some leverage against the edge of his bed.

“Captain?” Echizen questioned softly.

“You really do know how to distract me Ryoma.” Tezuka said without any heat, fingers edging under the waistband of the younger boy’s shorts.

Echizen smiled as though the words were a compliment, raising his hips a couple of centimetres off the bed. “I aim to please.”

“And so do I.” Tezuka stated, dropping the ice cubes in his hand into Echizen’s underwear.

Mouth gaping open, Echizen sprang from the bed, hoping madly from foot to foot as he shook out his pants.

Tezuka swallowed his laughter with a quiet snort. However, it wasn't quiet enough and the younger boy threw him a wounded look.

“Tezuka, that was just cruel.” Echizen growled through gritted teeth.

Standing stiffly, Tezuka fixed the younger boy with a stern look. “It’s time we left for the tennis courts.” Echizen pulled a nasty face at him which the older boy stoically ignored. “I’ll meet you at the front door when you’ve...cleaned yourself up a bit.”

Muttering curses against Tezuka’s misbegotten heritage, the younger boy began stripping off his pants.

Quickly averting his eyes, Tezuka left the room hurriedly to go and get a couple of pieces of ice for himself.
Comments appreciated. Criticisms considered. Flames ignored.

And just to make clear:
5 things to do with ice (TezuRyo style)- chew
- lick
- suck
- rub
- non-preferred chastity belt

fic, pot, tezuryo

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