Name the #1 thing people do on their Livejournals

Jan 25, 2005 08:49

and the survey says:

Anyways, I'm making this post from the Johnson hall in mason because I really feel like bitching despite the fact that I've only been here for 3 hours and only 1.5 of those actually involved me being in class. It appears that mason has very much embraced the less for more principle of business, as credits cost about 4 times as much and my MultiVar Calc teacher is definately less than any before. We reviewed vectors (not anything neat or interesting (if there is such a thing) but rather just what one is (a thing with a direction and a length... ::sigh::) and how to add them visually, something which I think I learned in Geometry where that subject is taught). Anyways, he has the most monotone voice. My Physics teacher at NoVa might have been dry, but at least he had tones. I'm seriously sitting there thinking that I could just replace him with one of those voice synth's and have it read notes or a lecture aloud. Oh happy day. Anyways, that's my major bitch so far, still got another three classes of course so I'm sure I'll be coming up with more in the near future as well. Gah the people here disturb me... I remember now why I don't go out into large crowds that often any more.

Anyways, I'm realizing I haven't actually made any real posts to this thing in the past... 6 months to a year. I just really haven't felt in the mood. Things have actually been busy recently, After my trip to texas to Visit Rho, I decided to start playing Warhammer 40K. I'm playing the Tau, a thankfully low modelled army with a HEAVY emphasis on shooting and paper thin troops in close combat. Been painting them recently, but like usual I can never seem to be satisfied with what I've done, so I think they look like crap and anybody who says otherwise is just being patronizing (a typical viewpoint, but hey, there's nothing wrong with me being bitchy too).

Other than that, not much really. We tried getting a game going, but scheduling prevented that (and by scheduling, I mean one person never really being able to show up) and while we tried to get things together this past saturday, the weather prevented it (turns out I probably could have driven in it, but there was a chance it would have been much worse so I decided not to risk it). Hopefully we'll manage to find another player so that we'll be able to have three even if one of them ends up missing a session (I just can't run with just two) but who knows, I've stopped bothering to hold out hope on such things.
I'm hoping that over the summer, the group will be able to congeal enough to run the mystery game I've been planning. Since it has to be balanced and created for the players that will be there, it requires some advanced warning of yes/no status of playing. I won't really talk about it much here since the one player who's REALLY shown an interest is the one who reads this, but I think I have system, most characters, and the opening session or two done in my head, dunno how successfully they'll make it to paper/electronic paper format, but at least it's clear in a driving force sense of the word. I also may attempt to run my WOD2 mage mod, although perhaps that won't get started until Mage: The Awakening comes out, so I might just do that. Grapevine has it that Mage is the most changed of the systems, but as I've no information one way or the other, I can't really tell.

Anyways, that's probably enough info for now, I'll probably post something more this evening, well actually I probably won't, but I'll act like that to maybe fool people.
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