Welcome to the shining Ivory Tower of academia. Seriously, I don't know how some of the people around me got into college. On the plus side, most of my professors tend to be fairly good, though we get numerous classes taught by Grad Students that either are poor teachers cos they've never done it before, are foreign and hard to understand, or both. I hope the rest of your classes pick up, and good luck with the game, I know I miss me my gaming. Later
I can't see how. My vitriolic vituperations can't be all THAT unique... like maybe vanilla bean in stead of vanilla, but overall people like me are a dime a dozen, pithy sayings free of charge. Anyways, what have you been up to lately, haven't heard much from ya and all that random stuff
what have I been up to? School and four jobs. My gay housemate moved out two weeks ago because he's a prissy bitch and now I live alone--oh and for the first time since Junior year of high school, I'm single.
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