Confessions of a Rageaholic, Day 2

Jan 27, 2005 11:24

well, as promised, I failed to update on time, but what else is new. Anyways, it's now thursday, and as the subject states, not really feeling any better about the whole school thing. To continue analysing my teachers: as you may well remember, my Multi-Var teacher is mind numblingly monotone, I must now introduce the two russians and the CS stereotype. My Discrete mathematics teacher would be russion #1 and he really shows it. I don't think the man will ever master basic conjugation, and listening to the accent makes me very worried that a WILL be cracking a joke about it some time throughout the year. The rage inducing subject we learned last class was truth tables, although he insisting on using the most pointless notations anywhere (since when did 7 become and acceptable symbol for 'not'??).

My CS 310 teacher is actually pretty amusing, yet he's exactly what you think of when you think about a 40 - 50 year old programmer, big bushy mustache etc. At least he makes attempts at humor and gets it about half the time, and amazingly he has worse handwriting than J. Minor, which is nearly impossible to believe. Anyways, it looks like there'll be very little learning and far more programming in the class, which is good. It's supposed to be more of a pulling it all together in bigger programs class anyways.

ECE 303 looks like what it was advertised to be. It's supposed to be a combination of assembly and simple computer component analysis, which mason decided to merge but not let you transfer in. The thing is, it looks like the stuff we'll be 'learning' is a combination of two classes I already took, and it's a prerequisite for a class I already transferred (which makes me annoyed, but oh well).

Anyways, that's the majority of my Mason related rage, it'll probably calm down in a moon or so but such is life.

In other news, just installed and started playing Freelancer last night. 'Tis a game I heartily enjoy and hope I can talk others into purchasing ($20) or 'finding' and playing online. I'd be willing to run the server if I can get it set up, and it's well written and old enough that nobody should have problems running. The interface took a little while to get used to but once you have it it's pretty easy to manage.

Can't really think of anything else, so for now I'm out of here.
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