What a difference a little exercise makes!

Nov 11, 2015 15:48

The air finally dried out a bit today. For the first time since last spring, I got out and walked a mile.

WHAT a difference that makes! My blood pressure and blood sugar were up and wouldn't come down. I've also been feeling a bit strange, kind of a weird pain that has always been an indicator that my muscles weren't getting enough use/activity. So I walked a mile on our little street. Up until today, it was like working or walking in a sauna... temperature in the mid to upper 90s and humidity in the 80-90 plus percent range. You couldn't cool down and within a minute your clothes were soaked with sweat (even just going out to the car). I didn't get much exercise from around the end of April through yesterday - unless I was at school (I climb the stairs in our building for exercise).

Our street is a thousand feet long, and it's 700 feet from our house to the main road. I walk to the main road, back to the end of the street, and back (and repeat), then walk home. That's just over a mile. It was warm outside (85 degrees) but nothing like the last few days. A little breeze and some shade and the sweat would dry off! That's almost delightful! (I like it even better when it's cool enough that I don't sweat, or the exercise keeps me from feeling cold!)

That exercise dropped my blood pressure by over 20 points (139/92 to 109/71). If it's like last spring, I'll have to cut back on my meds because I'll start having TOO low blood pressure (and blood sugar). I'll be glad to do that.

What a difference a change in the weather can make! (Our kitties also all seem to feel it - they've been playing "Crazy Kitty" and chasing each other, since yesterday when the weather started changing. They also seem to want to get outside in their play area more of the time.)
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