Injustice of "Good Christians" - and what they're taught

Jun 19, 2014 11:29

Al-Jazeera has a good news article (maybe editorial) on what is taught at "Bob Jones" university - punish the victim.

This should horrify people. The sad fact is that it is very widespread.

I have had a lifetime of experience with that sort of thing, although I've never been physically raped or molested. (Rape victims I've known who learned what those goddamned Christians did to me said that I experienced a mental and spiritual form of rape - and that they felt I understood them better than any non-rape-victim ever did.) The "blame the victim" mentality is so ubiquitous in this area that it was found even in a supposedly liberal Episcopal church here in town... when I told the rector that a woman was driving on the wrong side of the road and totaled our car (insurance didn't cover it - we couldn't afford comp or collision) - his reply was "WHAT DID YOU DO TO DESERVE THIS?" I've heard the "sin in your life left you open to attack" bullshit. Just about any of the comments made to those poor girls were made to me, for other forms of injustice and abuse. They nearly drove me insane... I had to walk away in order to keep my sanity (and I reject the Christian God, because that "God" is the source of this sort of thinking).

When you realize that the more authoritarian a church is, the more likely that sexual abuse is going on behind the scenes - you can get an idea of how heinous and widespread the problem is.

I'd ask the goddamned "Good Christians" if they considered how this looks to non-Christians, and if they realized how much it turns us off to their religion.

The fact is, there is very little difference between Islam and Christianity. Some names and a few practices are different, but the real differences - how they treat others, for instance - more alike than not. Both have terrorists (remember my shop being torched - the "Army of God", and so on?), both have fundamentalists, both have big groups of people who believe they have to force their religion on others in order to "please God". (Comment is meant for "Good Christians" who spew hatred for Islam and Muslims - I've known more kind Muslims than Christians!)

islam, christianity, religion, christian, victim, punishment, god, abuse, rape

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