Since I mentioned kitties...

Apr 17, 2014 21:32

We've got three kittens. (From their behavior, they were also traumatized by the damned pit bull, but she couldn't get to them.)

A drop-off had them. The drop-off has been hanging around here for a while (we've been trying to re-tame her so maybe she could find a home) and we never detected that she was pregnant. We've got her to the point where I can easily pet her, but picking her up isn't possible yet. The sad thing is that she's pretty much a kitten herself (black and white, and cute). I think maybe 7-8 months old.

Yep, we feed strays. After having this kitty and her mother nearly die under Sue's car from starvation - the two were dying when I took some food out and helped them eat it which saved them (I think her mother was harmed by it because she kept walking in circles for a few days after and seemed to have some problems walking off and on since then). The mother vanished several months ago, and we think someone had started taking care of her. Anyway, I don't like seeing kitties suffering. We do the best for them we can (our own are all fixed and have had their shots, and we try to keep them happy and care for them).

Back to the kittens... they're the three cutest little fuzzballs, about a month old. Their momma had them somewhere else and brought them here after they were toddling around. Sue thinks someone on the next street may have been caring for these ones too, because although one was wild, one was very friendly to humans (came right up to me and wanted to be held) and the third was cautious but not wild. Their behavior suggest that they'd been held - and they're thankfully all quite healthy.

One is a tortoiseshell (the wild one which I think I finally am reaching), the friendly one is a combination tabby-with-white and a touch of other colors (mainly yellow and orange), and the third one is also somewhat tabby-like but with a lot more color (more so than her sister). Soon I'll take pictures of them.

The awful thing is that we can't keep them... we have too many cats. The pound of course kills cats, the SPCA does the same (dogs are more profitable and that's why according to a person we know who worked there). Even though the Humane society in this county claims to be "no-kill", the people at the pound say that they regularly deliver loads of kitties to be "put down" so they can take in more (and the last time we talked with them they wanted us to donate $50 per kitten/cat). I'm not sure what we will do. Like always, we'll do the best we can.

I do know that I will teach these cats that humans can be loving and nice. I just hope that the trust they learn will never be betrayed.

cats, drop-offs, trust, kittens

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