
Dec 07, 2013 13:28

I've been getting more and more tired of Google and all of the damned advertisements they throw at me.

When working on stuff, I often have to go to Google to get information. When I do, most of the page is pure advertisements. I have to sift through thousands if not millions of advertisements for the little bit of information I'm looking for. By the time I'm finished, I'm tired of it and a bit put out. I also end us wasting lots of time that I don't have trying to get past the crap they throw at you.

What part of "NO ADVERTISEMENTS" does Google not understand?

I don't give a single damn about their profits. Advertisements don't work on me... if I need something I buy it. If I don't need it, any attempt to get me to think I need it or to get me to buy it only pisses me off and turns me off to the product. If I need something (or decide I'd like to have something), I will LOOK for advertisements or ask the salespeople. If not - stop shoving crap down my throat. I've been known to scare salespeople... I get VERY nasty when someone tries to get me to buy something I don't want. I'm generally very polite, but as an example, I blew up in a Radio Shack several years ago when the salesperson asked me if I wanted to buy a computer. I was looking at electronic components at the time and was already a bit put out because they'd discontinued a part I needed. He learned really fast that I didn't want a Radio Shack computer and that if I ever wanted to buy a computer from them, I would let them know and ask. (He also found out that I knew far more about computers and electronics than he did, after I chewed him out for trying to sell me a piece of junk computer that wasn't what it was advertised to be.)

I recently was trying to get some important information for a school project, and using Google Scholar didn't work - I was looking for specific information that wouldn't be in a journal article (it had to do with Cape Canaveral and websites connected to the subject). In the middle of a page full of advertisements, I'd find a few links to information - I noted about a 20 to 1 ratio of ads to content (and some of the ads were being portrayed as content). I spent hours going from page to page sifting through the ads before I found the exact information that I needed (my "google-fu" is almost worthless, and sometimes I have to be vague in order to find the sort of info I'm really after). That is a regular occurrence, and there is no "No Advertisements" setting I can find in Google.

I even have to be careful with the Google search engine connected with my school... it's specific to all (research) content accessible through the library, but if I make a mistake, I've seen it pull in ads too. Since sometimes the info I need isn't in journals... the ads are starting to become an expensive (time-wise) waste of resources - but I also can't afford to go with any of the paid search engines.

Google could make things easier for people by having a "no advertisements" setting... and to hell with the corporations and their maximized profits.

google, advertising

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