More Pit Bull attacks in the news for this county

Dec 07, 2013 13:04

Four people were injured, one little girl disemboweled (she's in the hospital and severely injured but it looks like she'll live). The little girl had over a hundred bites. The others were attacked when they tried to stop the dogs from killing the little girl. The dogs came out of their yard and attacked her. The owner is, like usual, being a pill about the whole thing.

This was from a pair of Pit Bulls, in this Pit Bull crazy county.

Like so many of them, there had been problems in the past. I'm just surprised that they admitted a history of problems. I can speak from my own experience that this county often "black-hole"s dog bite and dog attack reports, and vicious dog complaints - one dog I eventually shot had bitten a child, threatened others, and had at least four complaints lodged against it - yet our complaint (in writing) was the only one "on file" (and the owner hated and harassed us for it). That's why I shoot dogs now, if they come into my yard and threaten or attack our kitties or us - you can't trust the pigs or the county to do anything except make your life harder (all of the bogus tickets and harassment from the pigs made that clear years ago).

I think after shooting all the dogs I have, the neighbors have learned to keep their dogs under control. They've learned that even letting them run free after dark won't fly... that their precious "Nice dog!" will die just as fast after dark as during the day. I should add that only maybe two dogs I've shot were NOT pit bulls or pit bull mixes... out of over a dozen dogs. (We used to have a bad dog pack out here which was led by two German Shepherds... those dogs would run as soon as they saw a gun and so I never got them. One night we came home to 9 dogs in our yard and all of our kitties hiding in tree tops... thank God the pack suddenly stopped coming around. Maybe someone else shot them. They had Sue and I scared to go out our front door - and the pack had more pit bull types than not.)

There have been attempts to amend the good law making it specifically legal to shoot dogs who are attacking pets or threatening people, so that you couldn't defend your family or pets any more. I didn't know about that law until several years ago. The county lied to me for years... told me if I shot any dogs who were threating us in our own yard or attacking our kitties, that I'd go to jail. Finally one lady dogcatcher was nice enough to not only tell us the truth, but to give us a formal copy of the law. If the county arrested me, I'd own the goddamned place and now I know it (the pigs don't like my knowing the truth one bit). They just don't like the truth coming out about this hellhole or about Pit Bulls. The owners of those damned pit bulls (who to a person have fussed if not screamed things like "but my dog was a GOOD dog!" "My dog would never hurt a flea!" "Pit Bulls are just being persecuted, they're really good dogs!" and so on) don't want to face the fact that their breed is responsible for most of the deaths, major injuries, and other problems caused by dogs. (I once had an owner try to claim that "dog bites are dog bites, and other breeds are more likely to bite than pit bulls." He conveniently forgot that most dog bites are not life-threatening or maiming... which is the case with Pit Bulls.)

The violence could be bred out of them, just as it was bred out of the English bulldog. First, however, they have to face the fact that their beloved "bully breed" is a problem and that it's responsible for most of the deaths and injuries, and they need to stop telling lies to themselves and to others. Then they need to sterilize them all, except for those owned by a few breeders who would work to make the breed non-violent.

I won't go into the "Dog fight" craze that is rather common in this county - except to say that we're fairly sure that one of our special kitties, Snowball, was probably taken by a dogfighter and used to train their dogs to kill. The same day our neighbor lost his beloved male calico manx (very rare, pretty, friendly, and healthy) and later he told us that a dogfighter had taken his cat and used it to train his dogs to kill - the man had been caught a few weeks later and they'd found a midden of dead cats on his property. That's common in areas of central Florida... and a major reason why small dogs and cats vanish. I hope Snowball wasn't taken like that, because he'd only known love all of his life and was a big, sweet cat who liked everyone. Since both cats vanished on the same day, however...

I also found out today that the SPCA has specific instructions for pit bulls because of their unpredictable nature and potential for violence - they just don't want the public to know about those instructions. I also know that while this goddamned county's shelters will kill kitties asap (who have as far as I can find out, NEVER killed anyone and only hurt people in an attempt to get away), they make every attempt to find homes for Pit Bulls and other vicious dogs. We had a dog one time that I took to the SPCA because it was vicious - snapped at me a few times when I was trying to feed or take care of it, and tried to kill any animal that came near it (regularly tried to ambush and kill our kitties). They made every damned effort they could to find that dog a home, even though I warned them that she was vicious and unpredictable and had been that way since she was a little puppy. The girl was so nice to "Lady", but when we took some kittens we couldn't take care of to the SPCA a few weeks later, they were barely civil and a bit harsh with them. They did say that they'd try to find homes for the kittens (one of whom would wrap his tail around your wrist or hand, almost like a monkey), but as I learned years later, they lied. I've been told by several people (including three ex-volunteers) that most cats are dead by nightfall.

Yet they go out of their way to find homes for pit bulls. I don't understand it, but a friend says it is because they can get more in donations by offering dogs.

Pit Bulls... I agree with the calls for banning them. I don't want them anywhere near me... I don't trust them.

Two final points - first, there are multiple reports about the injuries the girl suffered. From a couple of descriptions, they had her intestines exposed and almost coming out of her body.

The second - there was this interesting link. I think that a Pit Bull ban should be enacted.
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