Another good response to Terry Jones

Aug 21, 2013 13:31

The World Muslim Conference will be holding its Unity Day observance (a protest against 9/11) to Polk County in response to Jones. I wish I could attend... but classes will be fully in swing then and I will be in school the whole day (a class, plus office hours, plus TAing a class). At the Ph.D. level, you really cannot afford to miss a single day (as if I'd want to anyway).

This is the sort of thing I wish we'd see more of in this county, as dangerous as that is because of the dominionists. Exposure is important when dealing with dominionists... yeah, they're trying to stir up trouble, but at the same time people are getting a tiny glimpse behind the mask and for every person they stir up, two will hopefully will be turned off to the dominionist churches (ignoring them often protects and encourages them to do worse). I'm going to be worried for the attendees at the Unity Day observance even as I support them... and I may contact and ask them to "please be careful!" as I don't want people of good heart to get hurt because of the hate towards the Other that is so strong here.

Seriously, thinking about it... I'd almost bet that there will be a strong "police" presence at the Unity Day observance out of fear of "Moslem terrorists" from the attendees, and maybe a few to "protect" the Jones supporters (actually showing some tacit support). Our sheriff and others in his department are known to be dominionists, and they can't be trusted to do anything or get anything right, except if it's sectarian prayers in public meetings, or support for dominionist causes.

I can say this - from what I've read, I would say that the people coming to the Unity Day observance are probably going to be "my type of people", while the others at Jones... not.

protest, terry jones, unity day, dominionist, muslim

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