...So it occurred to me the other day that I haven't come up with any resolutions yet this year.
So, without further delay, I hereby use this entry to keep note of my 2009 Resolutions.
1) I resolve to stop second-guessing my work (my art and my writing). This means finding the ability to turn my inner editor on and off (which is something I have a hell of a time trying to do), trusting that I do have the talent for this, and believing that I can succeed if I just try hard enough.
2) With that in mind, I would like to write at least 200k this year. I'm hoping to pour most of that into Code: Wings// but I do have a shorter multi-chapter Chris/Jill fic I'd like to write (ideally before March, when I'm sure my whole idea will get shot down by canon). If all goes well, perhaps I might be able to get something of Arcane Ways done as well.
...I'd love cheerleaders. I'm completely phobic of my own writing.
3) I'd like to survive this upcoming semester, too, while I'm at it. D: I should probably resolve to manage my time better, as well, and link it with this resolution; without good time management I have a feeling I'm going to be hurting before too long.
4) I'd also like to try and be more active in fandom. I keep thinking of all sorts of fun and fabulous things I'd like to do that are fandom-oriented, and then never do them. I'd like to finish a few of those projects and turn them loose on the world. Maybe I'll get a little reassurance that I'm not wasting my time, too. XDXD;;
5) I will not neglect my homework in March (as tempting as it may be). I will not neglect my homework in March (as tempting as it may be). I will not neglect my homework in March (as tempting as it may be). I will not...
6) I'm going to kill off my inner loser. The one that likes to work terribly obscure references into everything it can.
Good heavens, some days I even embarrass myself. Especially since I cannot bring myself to erase them. XD;;;
On a completely unrelated note, someday I'm going to meet more ATB fans and I swear I'm going to have to have them explain the appeal of "9AM (Till I Come)" to me. It's supposed to be his breakout hit, and I just cannot bring myself to like it. I really think a lot of his other work is much better, and much more appealing.
On another unrelated note, I snagged a copy of Degeneration a week ago. And I watched it. And I haven't posted my thoughts on it yet (and they are many, believe me). Expect it to come shortly. Expect fangirling and capslock as well.