Dayquil is my Precious...

Dec 29, 2008 22:38

08 IS ALMOST GONE FOREVER. And I have fics to write for the new year BEFORE the new year! *Still procrastinating*

What fandoms did you acquire in 2008?
Ohjeez. Let's see: Bones (new), NCIS (new-ish), House (made a comeback), Fullmetal Alchemist (made a comeback), Red vs. Blue (new), the Big Bang Theory (new), Okami (new), Bleach (new), Detective Conan/Case Closed (made a comeback), ER (made a comeback), Silent Hill (new), Bioshock (new), Portal (new). I didn't acquire Resident Evil or Transformers, they carried over. Oh, and the Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (newish).

What fandoms did you let go of in 2008?
None, really. Kind of got into a few, but not enough to stick with it. I dunno if that counts.

What fandoms did you intend on checking out in 2008 but didn't?
One Piece. Shugo Chara (I started it?), Chuck, Soul Eater, Death Note, and Air Gear (got through about a hundred chapters before I kinda fell out of that wagon). Heroes: season 2! Might try Fringe again.

What fandoms do you intend to check out in 2009?
Not a clue, yet. Still got One Piece on my list, though. And Soul Eater. And Heroes.

What fandoms do you think you might let go of in 2009 if things don't improve?
Likely none of them, though my passion for a few might falter for a bit. ER's ending in '09 (after the remainder of this season airs), though, so I guess I'll be letting that go? IT'LL STILL BE WITH ME IN SPIRIT.

What fandoms do you think you'll never get rid of no matter how crappy they get?
The Legend of Zelda. Resident Evil. House...but only because I think it's trying that ploy right now.

What show impressed you most in 2008?
Gotta say ER. I've teared up at least once an episode this season - though whether that is entirely due to the writers, the acting, or the show ending I'm not sure.

What show impressed you least in 2008?
House. Three words (one acronym): W. T. F.

First Fandom of 2008: IIRC, it was still Resident Evil, carrying over from the year before. Which makes RE the first fandom in several years to hold my (persistent, borderline-obsessive) interest for longer than six months.
Favorite Main Character of 2008: Quite possibly Archie Morris from ER.
Favorite Villain of 2008: GLaDOS.
Favorite Video Game Character of 2008: Jill Valentine. *sobwail*
Favorite Game of 2008: AMENDING THIS: Favorite NEW game of 08: Okami. Favorite RETURNING game of 08: ...Resident Evil 4. What can I say, I LIKE THE KILLING.
Favorite Het Couple of 2008: I...I'm torn.
Favorite OT3 of 2008: Leon/Claire/SMALL FEMALE CHILD
Fandom That You Never Expected To Get Into: Bones. I never had the patience for it. Was bored and decided to give it a try. GOT SUCKED IN.
Fandom That Made An Unexpected Comeback: Windwaker-style Zelda.
Fandom That Inspired The Most Crack: Resident Evil. And possibly ER.
Last Fandom of 2008: Going out with all of the ones listed way up yonder. They're all ongoing fandoms for me.

And March '09 is gonna be a good month, indeed! On top of RE5's release (SO looking forward to that, EVEN IF I DECIDEDLY LACK A SYSTEM TO PLAY IT ON DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR) U2 is apparently going to be releasing a new album, "No Line on the Horizon" on the 3rd of that month~! *wiggles* (Here's to hoping they tour, and that they come back here! I will get tickets this time!)

meme, [music] u2, [videogames] resident evil

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