#125: gotta be somebody

Apr 30, 2014 18:12


With 4 papers down and 1 last one to go next Monday, I decided to give myself an off-day today *\o/* The past few days have been nothing but a marathon, leaving me exhausted after every single paper. Either it's because each of these modules are more taxing and more in-depth as compared to a single  A level paper or that I'm getting old and this kind of marathon is akin to a sprint right now. You don't understand how exhausting it is to have a paper on Saturday (80 MCQs), another on Monday (9am essay), then on Tuesday (5pm MCQs) and finally, today (9am essay /why are my only essay papers all at 9am goodness me) #sobs And now I thinking what social events to go to for these two days, including my grandma's birthday dinner, warehouse sale... and tonight's TJ Mardi Gras. #throwback #badmemories #butyoloiguess #HAHAHA The first week after finals (aka next week) is gonna be packed with outings too aha #busybee #nahhh #steponly #gottastaphthehashtagsHAHA

Hmm probably gonna end up downloading some movie to watch tonight teehee \(^~^)/
Ok till next time xoxo

exams, real estate, outing, family

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