#126: Talk

May 06, 2014 01:25

they're such a cute couple irl *_*Hello.

Finals. Are. Finally. Finally. Goddamn. OVER YAY. :'))) So today, I spent my first few hours of summer break with my favourite RE babes at Saveur (yeah man totally enjoying the high life now ahaha :>) in a bid to celebrate Yun Xin's belated birthday hehe then it's amazing spiderman 2 time at Shaw!! *\o/* It was pretty good imo, tho for an action film, it has a significant amount on the relationship between Peter and Gwen (but it could be to compensate for the ending). By then I'm pretty zombiefied by the end of the movie lololol, Sherie, Jia En and I stayed till the very end of the credits, thinking that there's a second extra snippet of an upcoming Marvel movie (the first one aired in between the credits) but there isn't. This is probably when my headache worsened so so much :'( Subsequently we headed off to Bugis to shop and have dinner but despite coming back hall empty-handed, well at least I found a new shopping ground teehee.

dk how i would have survived year 1 without y'all <3
This week's gonna be pretty packed and crazy aha but ah well, what's life without a bit of fun hehehe. Still, there's the (pretty high) possibility that I will never return to this hall as a resident but it's ok, I'm extremely thankful for all the experiences here:) Alright, I shall catch up on some shows before I sleep, till next time~


summer break, exams, real estate, movies, outing, friends

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