Thoughts! Thinky thoughts on Sherlock

Jan 15, 2011 18:14

Ok so LJ, I've been gone all year to Facebook and Twitter, but I'm back now. I'm rewatching Sherlock and considering maybe writing some fic (*gasp*). Below some thinky thoughts.

Is Sherlock thinking John is coming on to him at the restaurant out of character? Why else would he notice it, when what's-her-face at the mortuary is so obvious about trying to ask him out and he is oblivious. Or is he? Maybe it's deliberate? Maybe he can't imagine her being interested because he's gay? Notice he didn't react with horror to the restauranteur's remarks about their being on a date, nor to John's asking if he had a boyfriend. Most canon would seem to indicate that Sherlock is asexual, but I think BC plays him as gay, or at least not unaware that sexuality exists. He chooses not to exercise it - possibly ever - but he is not completely neutered.

What's-her-face #2 (sad, and telling, that I can't remember either of the two female characters names!) Aka black detective - is so bitter towards Sherlock, her motivation seems obvious. She made a pass at him and he was dismissive/oblivious. (There's definitely a story there, but is it worth writing? Her character is so unpleasant in the pilot. And what's his face, dick detective (ha!) So unappealing. But might be a fun challenge. Cf Maya and Pansy Parkinson.)

So is my John/Sherlock story about how differently Sherlock reacts to John than everyone else? (John pov) because he definitely does. Or is it about how John feels softly/empathy/gets Sherlock when everyone else so clearly does not? (Sherlock pov)

I feel like it's analogous to SPN in that writing Sam POV is fairly easy (for me anyway) because he's more in touch with his feelings - though in 6 times I managed to write a clueless Sam in a fairly successful way - whereas Dean is harder because he is less transparent?

Ah! Rodney = Sam = Watson
Sheppard = Dean = Sherlock?

You could argue Rodney & Sherlock are more analogous because of the whole arrogant genius aspect, but from a writing perspective the opaque quality is more relevant, I think.

So then the challenge is to write Sherlock POV and show, not tell, even though Sherlock doesn't notice anything he does not consider relevant (c.f. astronomy fail re: sun & moon) and is sociopathic (though i would argue more Aspie) enough to fail to understand emotions like grief (c.f. Rachel and "why is she still upset about that? It happened 14 years ago").

Though really, isn't that also OOC in a way? His whole schtick is based on knowing people's motivations. How can he do that if he doesn't understand emotions like most other humans? Or duh, that's why Watson is there, to be Sherlock's conscience, his barometer - to feel the things Sherlock has locked away.

Posted via LjBeetle

ETA: Ha ha! Made Sherlock icon - it's just a base, I will probably add text but I can't decide what it'll be. Feel free to gank if you like.

Son of ETA:

sherlock, iconage, tv

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