
Jul 02, 2010 11:07

  • 12:30 once again I know what made Andy Partridge bang his head against the wall - unremitting ear pain #
  • 13:38 Neighbors complaining about strong weed smell in hallway. Not mine but I don't mind it. They want to chat, presumably get me on their side #
  • 13:39 My sister's response texts were hilarious #
  • 13:40 "I think you should get one of those rasta dread wigs with attached knit multicolored hat and answer 'no problem' whatever they ask you" #
  • 13:41 "Also, bring them some brownies and offer one to the baby, then wink" #
  • 13:41 "Carry a beeper and check it frequently during the conversation, and when they look questioningly shrug and say, 'just bizness mon'" #
  • 13:42 "Lastly when they say they're worried about the situation, say you have something that can help with that, if they're interested. Then wink" #
  • 13:49 Sitting in ENT waiting office in agony, tweeting to distract self from pain. Appointment was at one and I was on time!! WTF #
  • 13:50 If this fucker tells me it's TMJ again, I will punch him in the face! Usually it is ear infection but one time he was like "it's just TMJ" #
  • 21:46 well, that was a nightmare - waited for 1.5 hours, had just started to cry from agony when Dr walked in. He had no sympathy at all #
  • 21:48 Stuck a probe through my nose/down my throat, apparently for fun because it had no bearing on my ear - and gave me a condescending pamphlet #
  • 21:49 prescribed Cipro and Tylenol #3 w/ Codeine - too bad the latter does nothing for me except put me to sleep - and ear drops. he put a wick in #
  • 21:49 which has of course already come out #
  • 21:51 so my life blows right now. Here is Chapter 1 of The Dialectic of Sex - best book ever IMHO #firestonelives #
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