I'm back, bitches!!

Jan 02, 2012 04:11

I know I said that last January, but this time I mean it! I've missed you, LJ. The problem is, ever since my company got bought out by an evil corporate overlord, I don't have nearly as much time to read LJ, since I no longer feel even remotely comfortable reading it on the work laptop, let alone in the office. But I am making a New Year's Resolution to make more time for fandom in 2012. And to start the new year off right, I wrote a new story! (Well, finished a story I'd had kicking around since two Christmases ago - semantics! I wrote nearly 4k words in 2 days, that's all that matters.)

I give you:

Fandom: Merlin
Title: Noblesse Oblige
Author: arby_m
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG-13 (roundabout mentions of sex)
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None.
Length: ~5000 words
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended.
Note: Takes place in Season One.
Summary: Uther gives Arthur an assignment, but Arthur has a wee project of his own - to get Merlin into bed.
Sample: Merlin gave Arthur a sidelong look. "You said I had beautiful eyes," he remarked pertly.
Arthur scowled. "That was the poison talking. Obviously."
"Interesting," said Merlin. "Never knew anyone to pay unwarranted compliments whilst in a poison-induced delirium before."
Arthur scowled even harder."Well, the things you don't know would fill a book, Merlin."

And..fake cut to the Ao3:

( Noblesse Oblige )

randomstory, merlin

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