24/48 Challenge, part six.

Sep 13, 2004 12:52

The Twenty Four in Forty Eight Drabble challenge

Drabbles Twenty-One to Twenty-Four

Fandom: X-Men
Word: "Still"

She hates sleeping unless she's been driven clean through the barrier of exhaustion. The dreams are too much to bear. She doesn't talk about it - she told Logan once that she carries a tiny part of every person she's ever touched. She didn't tell him which bits.

The part of her that absorbs the new sense of identity depends on what the person she touches is thinking and feeling at the moment of contact. She has nightmares, near-death experiences and prayers for somebody to save them. She also carries Logan's guilt at harming people and the few faint warm memories he carries of old friends...old lovers. She still treasures the moment he gave her his powers to save her life. It's enough to keep the nightmares at bay.

Character: Richard B. Riddick
Fandom: Chronicles of Riddick
Word: "Concrete"

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm starting to miss concrete. These ships are nice enough...if you like the dark gothic effect but no-one ever seems to have heard of insulation. The damn halls echo every little sound and you can hear the plotting a mile away.

I miss solid walls and floors. I still haven't gotten used to this War Marshal crap but it has its advantages. "You keep what you kill." My type of people. Still, I gotta decide what to do about it. Stay here, and strike terror across the Galaxy or strike out on my own. What's a guy to do?

Fandom: Underworld
Word: "Steps"

It's odd really. He didn't remember the details of the Sonya's death - the emotions, yes. The black pit of despair and hatred that he plummeted into. How many years...decades...maybe even centuaries passed before he began to think rather than simply attack and rip and tear their flesh? Before he started to think beyond the savage joy of rending flesh and shattering bone?

Not long later he'd met Craven. Craven by name, craven by nature. Viktor's creature. He still savoured the reek of blind terror that rose from the vampire like steam. Was that the first step? First of many careful, stealthy steps to end the vampire threat. Not genocide. Never genocide. He was not Viktor. He wanted his kind free. Free to hunt, to live without the yoke or threat of the vampires.

Character: Father
Fandom: Equillibrium
Word: "Cooked"

He never intended for it to go this far. He started this by writing a book to appeal to the intellectuals, advocating restraints on emotion. Debates started, opinions polarised and he said several things that got taken badly out of context. He started to dennounce emotion altogether. He sugguested research, drugs, a powerful moral authority.

He lost his own son to the new Grammaton Order. They stopped talking as he watched the world regiment itself and congradulated himself on his part. The last message sent had been wordless - a visual disc with a montage of film clips of the third Reich alternating with Liberia's streets. The black-clad enforcers - Clericks or SS? - cowing the people.

It had been an epiphany and he had known in that moment that he was dead. Dupont - shown on the disc in the depths of sense crime - would never accept the loss of power. He could taste the poison cooked into his food and when he finally collapsed, his last wish was that he could have done it...everything differently.

deannawol's reply to the same challenges can be found here

fanfic, drabbles, challenges

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