sings shanteys about
What's Your Pirate OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG I liked this meme thingy and it does highlight the point I'm about to make.
Slash should come with a warning.
Seriously - and I'm not talking about the ratings either - slash should come with a warning. I'm not sure how it should be worded - "Be careful, if you read/think about this too much, you'll never be able to go back to the non-slashy world." is a little bland and "WARNING WARNING LIFE-CHANGING INTEREST LOOMING!" has been done.
But that isn't the right way to start either.
Hi, my name's
alarielle and I'm a slasher.
It all started so slowly - I started reading gen Stargate fanfiction. I started to like the ones that focused on the friendships and naturally the core friendship to most writers was the Jack-Daniel friendship. I started to search for them outside the gen archives and found author pages which listed the fics I wanted...and the slashy continuations.
At first, it was sorta uncomfortable to read. I mean...I knew the 'scientific' explanation of how two guys slept together but just seemed wierd. I did read a few and started to drop back in to some archives to work throujgh the lists.
Then Lord of the Rings came out...and the slash fiction explosion happened. Personal opinion is that the earlier fics were the best. And I rewatched the film many times and I started to see the slash. This was a breakthrough - up until this point, I had seen the slash. I'd seen how you could kinda squint just right and if and maybe you could see a slashy moment there.
This was a pretty big step. I stopped being a browser and started actually looking for slash. I started hunting for slash stories that explained or exploited moments I'd noticed. I started to establish what I wanted in fics I read. I could recognise what I like and started developing my own standards and learning how to identify stories that meet those standards.
So things stayed like that for a few years. Until I started to see plotlines or hooks that my favourite writers didn't. I still loved their stuff but it wasn't enough. That became a nigglingly frustration until
deannawol and I started to talk about it.
Having her support was the final push I needed to get going and I actually started to write slash. (With varying degrees of success.)
Then we went to see King Arthur with
omegar and spent the entire time whispering to each other.
With that, I pass to the depths of slashdom and I don't think I'll ever be going back to the vanilla het romance of Mary-sue fandoms.
My name's
alarielle, I'm a slasher and I'm loving it!