24/48 Challenge, part five.

Sep 13, 2004 12:46

The Twenty Four in Forty Eight Drabble challenge

Drabbles Seventeen to Twenty

Character: Pierre Ducos
Fandom: Sharpe
Word: "Bastard"

Pierre Ducos was born gifted...but a bastard. His wealthy father had tossed him scraps of education and money when guilt struck - usually in his cups. Pierre had sworn his allegiance to the Emperor long before his royal status was more than supposition and a dream. He regards his service as a religous vocation.

He is unaccustomed to failure. He relies on logic, reason and careful observation. His scientific methods have set him apart from his colleagues.

He watches Richard Sharpe turn from the battlefield, a victor bowed with grief and Ducos wishes suddenly that it had been the tall Rifleman, not his wife who had been killed. He stands unmoving amidst the chaos of wounded and frightened soldiers and swears that Richard Sharpe will regret this day and ever making an enemy of Major Pierre Ducos.

Character: Rage
Fandom: Cyberpunk 2020
Word: "Thanks"

The city sparkles in the frosty air. The sky overhead is clear and cold. It looks beautiful, the trash hidden under a layer of frost. The murmur of people and music and life is oddly muted. The chatter of guns and the whoomph of cars catching fire is almost lost in the huge expanse.

Rage stands on the roof, breath turning to mist as he looks over the city and raises the bottle to his lips. He has a lot to say 'Thanks' for. His wife, his brother, his gang...all alive, all healthy. They've been lucky and the creds, while not flowing in, have been plentiful enough that they can afford the ripper doc's bill.

He raises the bottle to the glittering neon lights. "Here's to another year on the streets of gold."

Character: Gwain
Fandom: King Arthur
Word: "Vanished"

He hates this moment, when armies take their positions and the commanders get to sit on their horses and fret as they wait for battle to start. It's different today. The stress, the worry had all vanished. His armour was strong and reassuringly heavy. His horse champed at the bit and tossed his head.

Gwain takes a deep breath and almost laughs with the simplicity of it all. This is their fight. They chose to be here, alongside their fellows. No arrogant, high-handed Roman has ordered them to die for his pride or a copper piece. They fight for a new life and freedom. Theirs.

Character: Elena
Fandom: Women of the Otherworld
Word: "worry"

I don't worry about Clay. No, not me. Even if he has just dropped out of sight after a mutt who makes Jack the Ripper look like a decent chap. I whine but the last thing Clay said before we Changed was not to get involved.

I give that the consideration it deserves and streak off around the wall. Every stride, I'm listening for the snarling, the tearing as Clay rips the mutt apart. Nothing and I speed up. Instinct is driving me faster and faster and my senses are tingling, making me hyper-alert to my surroundings.

which is why I see the other two mutts before they see me. I swing sharply right and have the first one's throat torn oout before they can react. When Clay charges up five minutes later, I'm sitting on my haunches, looking pardonably smug.

deannawol's reply to the same challenges can be found here

fanfic, drabbles, challenges

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