Ooh look--my very first icon!

Jun 28, 2008 13:50

So I was watching "Ever After" the other day, and just loved the look on her face, so I made a screen cap, and then cropped it.  And voila, an icon!  It's awfully dark, but it's the best I could do with my little "paint" program.  And even if I was back at school with access to Photoshop, I still wouldn't know how to make it lighter (well, maybe I would...I'd have to see how much of my graphic design class would come back to me!)  Either way, I like it. :)

In other news, I managed to pay off my student loans!  *is excited*  Now my slate is all wiped clean, until I head off to grad school in a couple of semesters.  I can accumulate thousands upon thousands of dollars of just grad school debt.  Oh, what joy awaits me. :)  I was planning to go to a concert by Mandy Patinkin tonite, but I figured I'd rather pay off my loans.... yea for being responsible, although at the moment I'd rather go to the concert!

Work is still blah--doesn't really make me think, and I don't much care for my supervisor, but I am able to watch tv shows online while I work, which is a definite plus.  So I've been on hulu.com watching all sorts of old tv series.  My favorite one that I've discovered is "Remington Steele," with Pierce Brosnan.  Wow!  He was very attractive when he was young! :)  And I'm a sucker for flirting and witty banter delivered in an accent. :P

And my last piece of good news?  My "Early Edition" season 1 DVD came in the mail today--I'm so excited!  I used to love that show, where the (very attractive) main character gets tomorrow's newspaper today.  Happiness!

I have to figure out when I'm going to fly back out to school, something I've been putting off for some reason.  Honestly, as much as I love being home (and babysitting.... :P) I am very excited to go back and be in my own apartment and have stuff to do again.  So why I keep putting it off is beyond me.  I guess I'm just lazier than even I figured!  Oh, the horror!

Random questions: why, if you're in a mildly blue mood (not deep blue, but merely "azure"--I stole that from a book, and I can't remember which one...), sad songs make you feel happy again?

And, what is the difference between an "enlisted man" and an officer? Can't you get promoted to an officer? I'm so confused, and even wikipedia has failed me... (Yes, I've been watching M*A*S*H...gotta love Hawkeye!)

Why is there the huge myth about the Grand Duchess Anastasia surviving the massacre that killed the rest of her family?  I thought I read somewhere that they proved with DNA testing that she was killed with the rest of her family, but it makes me wonder how that whole idea got started, that she did manage to survive.

I know, I think such deep thoughts these days. :)

mash, remington steele, icons, anastasia, student loans, ever after, early edition

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