
May 25, 2008 16:39

I had a dream last night that my parents bought us a Wii.  Which would never happen, but they did.  And then we played tennis on it.  It was a good dream.

I also had a dream that someone offered us 3 absolutely adorable kittens.  I almost took them, and then remembered that Dad is allergic to cats.  I was really kind of annoyed that I couldn't take at least one of the kittens due to Dad's allergy.  I often get mad at people in my dreams.

In other news, I've discovered classic tv.  My work allows me to stream tv shows on my computer while I work (it's a sweet setup, and yes I need the distraction--my actual job is insanely boring and requires almost no brainpower), so I've watched a season of "The Dick van Dyke Show" and have discovered that Dick van Dyke, when he was young, was very very attractive. :)  I've also discovered the actor Robert Wagner (due to the tv shows "It Takes a Thief" and "Hart to Hart") who I really like.  Very attractive man.  Yes, I'm a very deep person. :)

Anyways, gotta get off now, because my little brother has woken from his nap and his favorite past-time is to come and slam the top of my laptop down.  Aaaaaaand here he comes!

dick van dyke, hart to hart, family, robert wagner, dreams

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