Sigh. My love/hate relationship with Givenchy is definitely falling towards the hate this season. Satin and wolf screen printing? Sheer pencil skirts with leather ruffle...things? PVC bomber jackets? W.T.F. Galliano's last collecting... sigh. It was beautiful. Regardless of the man himself, he is certainly one of the most talented designers of our time. There was some magnificent draping in the collection and the fabric choices were lovely. Although, there was a PVC coat in there too. I hope this isn't going to be A Thing. My very favourite outfit is at my Tumblr. (Although can we talk about the model in
slide 18? I don't usually dwell on these things, but the girl is not healthy. And someone better damn well bring it up in reviews.) Hermes was a bit bland. For the house that is supposed to make other designers look cheap, that is not a good thing.