MUSIC MEME 1. Put your iPod on shuffle. 2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. 3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS! 4. Tag 10 friends who might enjoy doing the meme as well as the person you got the meme from.
I've just gotten to the episode where Patrick Swayze guest stars. Which, you know, I was kinda expecting and looking forward to seeing him all young and fresh faced. I totally forgot the storyline.
The character he plays in this episode of M*A*S*H?
Okay, what is it with M*A*S*H and Henry Fonda films?
First it was My Darling Clementine with the entire camp enacting the gunfight at the OK Corral. Now it's Tales Of Manhattan with Hawk and Beej enacting Rita Hayworth and Charles Boyer's sequence
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So between devouring all the Harry books, I've been watching Season Six of M*A*S*H with an eye to when Frank leaves and Charles arrives, just like when Trap left and Beej arrived, sort of wondering how the writing shifts, if at all.
The Third Incurable Affliction by Epigone. Gen but you could anticipate slash. Incredibly hurtful beautiful imagery and oh god I just love the details of Hawkeye.
One Cold Night by Alarielle. Gen. Beautiful awful look at how the threat of losing Hawk impacts on Beej. And anything with Sidney is always awesome.
After a day of completely loathsome sloth during which about ninety-five per cent of season two M*A*S*H was watched, I dragged myself out of the studio this morning to spend four hours at the State Library, reading the Farrell book --- twenty per cent of which was directly useful and the rest merely interesting --- making ever so quaintly Luddite
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