I'm working on a fanfic rec post but I got sidetracked looking at pictures. I decided to post a few. Some of these I think I already have over at deviantart but a couple of them I don't. Click cut at your own risk!
That's Charlie!
lady_of_scarlet mentioned her cat enjoyed sunbeams and it reminded me I had this picture of Charlie trying to catch them.
Bell also loves the sun but she takes a much more sedate approach to it.
This is a picture from my trip to Chicago a few years ago. I liked how it turned out and titled it Vertigo.
The swings at Navy Pier in Chicago. I took this picture while I was on the ferris wheel.
I think I took this one from the ferris wheel also. I thought it was a nice skyline. I took a ton of pictures from the top of Sears Tower which are cool but the glass was dirty so most of the pictures have spots in them. There were some awesome skylines but the smudges bother me!
Okay, I'm going to finish working on the rec post now.