I decided to do a multifandom post.
Lysa Whitemore Fanfiction She is my favorite Angel/Cordy writer. She writes the epic stuff that I love to read. The link is to her site. I won't bother suggesting a particular story because they're all good.
A little history on my Angel/Cordy obession, I started off a Buffy/Angel shipper. This is the only time in all my years of being a shipper I have ever jumped ship. I am generally open minded but I usually have that one pairing that is closest to my heart and I don't ever let go of them. This time I did. I think I loved that Angel and Cordy we're friends first and it just grew into something more. Or could have anyways. I also have never watched fourth season of Angel and I've only seen the Cordy episode in fifth season. I like to live in a world where Fourth season NEVER HAPPENED!
Wolf Among Birds by Paxnirvana This is a Logan/Ororo X-Men Movieverse fic and it's one of my favorites for them. It's the first in a series,
Wolf Pursuit Part I,
Wolf Pursuit Part II,
Peril of Flight Part I, Peril of Flight Part II, Peril of Fligt part III. There are two one shots that fit into the series also
Sun and Wind and
Clear Blue Sky.
Harry Potter
Fanfiction by madscientist - This writer has two epics that are ongoing. The first one was
Harry Potter and the Darkness Before The Dawn, who's sequel is
Harry Potter and the Lions of Gryffindor. The last installment in the Lions of Gryffindor is
Harry Potter and the War of Shadows which is not completed. I have to say that this is one of those stories that I can't really explain why I love it. The writing starts out a little rough but gets better as they progress but ultimately the characters and story itself isn't really true to the Harry Potter everyone knows. It's darker, more violent...hmmm, that's probably why I love it. However, the Lions of Gryffindor isn't my favorite of the two epics they've written. That would be
Harry Potter and the Circle's End and it's sequel, which is a WIP,
Harry Potter: Beyond the Looking Glass.
Servare Vitas by newscaper - This is probably one of the first Bones fics I read. It's well written but takes place early on in the series so it is definitely AU. It is Booth/Brennan but it's also violent and action packed. I'm thinking I have a fascination with violence in fanfiction?
Star Trek: TNG
In honor of my new friends who are also fans of Riker/Troi I decided to give a fic rec for them. Unfortunately my favorite author for this fandom, QDestinyy, removed all of their writing. But I think I can come up with a few in the future. Right now, I'll start with
Fanfiction by Whisper. Several of their fanfics are WIP so be warned. I don't know if the author isn't updating them or the site is just behind on updates.