Convention Season starts for me this weekend. Going off to Spectrum Fantastic Art Live, in Kansas City, MO. It's an all-fantasy art expo that started last year. It's run by the folks who do the SPECTRUM: Best in Fantastic Art Books. And they have their awards ceremony there. Tons of artists have booths and guest artists do panels and
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Got a free Professional Badge for WonderCon at the Anaheim Convention Center (across the street from Disneyland), so I thought I'd check it out for the first time.
One more day to submits stuff to SPECTRUM (the book). --I've done my share of supporting Spectrum through submissions the first 8 or so years, so I haven't thought about submitting stuff in YEARS... but it's still a very cool thing
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I used to think about this more when I was more active with ASFA and con-going, but I still am stymied when coming up with ideas for interesting Art-related programming
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Heading off tomorrow to Paris for a few days, then a tour through some E. European cities with my family: Warsaw, Krakow, Budapest, Vienna, Prague
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