(no subject)

Aug 28, 2008 21:50

So I've decided to go for it and apply to MFA programs in creative writing. I've split, fifty fifty, on number of people in my life who think I'm a loon for doing this, and people who think it's a fantastic idea. It's a littler frustrating, dealing with the naysayers, I must admit.

Anyway, for some reason my one friend is REALLY against me going to Grad School. She uses every opportunity to talk the possibility down to me. Her most recent tactic is to tell me that I don't have enough real world experience, having only graduated from undergrad in May. So I haven't a hope of getting in. I'm sure that's not completely accurate, but it's discouraging and annoying to say the least.

Has anyone else had to deal with this kind of pessimism? How did you handle it?

I'm alos considering taking an online course in writing and preparing for the MFA application. A total waste of money? Or a decent resource I should utilize and therefore worth the four hundred dollars?
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