Sep 15, 2009 10:38
I need to be healthier. I eat alright but not wonderfully. I've started working out, and I know that I have a long way to go to making it a lifestyle. I have one major downfall that is, to me, the biggest impediment to being healthy...I do not take care of my allergy/asthma issues. I am embarrassed by them. Every time I have to mention them, I feel like the nerdy elementary school kid I was who couldn't play sports, had glasses, braces, and my inhaler in hand.
As kind of an extreme pendulum swing, now, I try to ignore my issues completely. I don't take my preventative meds like I should. (I hate being on medication.) I rarely have a personal doctor, preferring the drive through method of urgent care clinics. What happens is that I get sick, I go to urgent care and get corrective treatment, the doctor tells me to follow up with my family doctor for preventative treatment, I start to feel better, and I ignore the issue until I am ill again.
I am in the middle of this cycle at the moment. I have, like usual, waited until I am completely out of my inhaler to decided that I need a new one. This occasion, of course, falls right on the week that my dad is in town helping me with my house. So, we are working in the garage and the attic and any other dusty, moldy space you can think of. Last night, sleeping on my futon, which is regularly inhabited with cats, I not surprisingly had a pretty nasty asthma attack. I was up from 4am to 6am sipping tea, sitting up, and trying to get my asthma under control without medication.
I need to change this. As a start, I need to take the meds that will help me to not have this massive attack. But, more than that, I need to start changing my life in a way that will help me to eventually not need that medication. I need to avoid the things that make me sick to begin with. I need to not cavalierly jump into a cleaning project without a mask (even though I thinks it's super nerdy to use one while dusting or mowing). I know I should get rid of my cats, but that's never going to happen. However, I can limit their access to my bedroom. I can brush and clean them more so that they don't leave hair and dander everywhere. I can research the way my diet might be effecting my allergies.
I want to be healthy. I want to be healthy all over. I have a friend who swears that acupuncture completely rid her of her allergies. I am not sure I will be trying that soon, but I am open to the idea that my life choices can negatively or positively affect how I feel.
This is a horribly nerdy post, but it is a major concern in my life right now.