I know I shouldn't be, but I've been rereading my some of my old posts while in training. Wow, firstly, I have been using this journal for over five years! That is shocking. And, Secondly, I am whiny. I complained A LOT the first year. I was so unhappy. My 'man' situation was way screwed up. In some ways, it is a reflection of the worst possible me. There are a few good things that have come of keeping this journal. I have seen how much I've changed. I have seen how much I've stayed the same. One thing I'd like to do is look back at something I wrote Sep. 25 2005 (about a year after I started blogging).
http://appleraven.livejournal.com/17915.html I've linked to a post where I was asked to talk about things that were going on in my life 10 years ago, 5 years ago, 3 years ago, 1 year ago, yesterday, and today along with listing 5 bad habits and 5 fictional characters I would date. I will now do this again.
Ten Years Ago:
-Beginning Senior year of high school
-was sure I’d be an actor when I ‘grew up’
-secretly planning to go to IU
Five Years Ago:
-Starting Grad school
-Thinking that I was going to be the dumbest person in the room
-realizing that everyone else felt the same
Three Years Ago:
-Unhappily teaching for little money
-unsure if I wanted to be a teacher
-Feeling healthy for the first time since I stopped swimming
One Year Ago:
-Moving in with men for the first time
-teaching Pre-AP for the first time
-had gained back all the weight I lost since college
-used a new power tool
-felt awkward in a meeting
-still wondered if I will ever stop feeling like a kid pretending to be an adult
Five Bad Habits:
-fast food burgers
-netflix and hulu
-being on the computer when I shouldn’t be
-internet stalking my friends when I’m bored
Five Fictional Characters I Would Date
-Fred Weasley (on my first list)
-Captain Wentworth (instead of Mr. Darcy)
-Sawyer from Lost
-Aragorn from LOTR (the Viggo movie version)
-Spike from Buffy (not that he’s the kind of guy you date…)