2009 Masterlist by author

Jul 19, 2009 00:53

Thanks to apocalypsos for bringing us this wonderful ficathon and to everyone writing in it. Be sure to thank the person who wrote for your request, even if you ended up dropping out; it's just polite!

I especially want to thank all the pinch hitters for their last-minute work to make sure every participant got a story. In a few cases the original writer came through with a story (and in rare cases more than one person offered to pinch hit the same request), so we have a few more stories for everyone to enjoy!

Here's the masterlist thus far; please keep posting throughout Sunday. Monday Eventually, when the majority of the fic is in, I'll post a masterlist by fandom. Please advise as to any errors; I'm a bit cross-eyed from all the cutting & pasting. If you're missing, I probably had marked you as a dropout. I'd be thrilled to be proven wrong.

2ndary_author wrote for jain: Landmarks in Space (Firefly)
afrocurl wrote for lyonie17: Whimper (Veronica Mars)
afteriwake wrote for hugglewolf: Survivor (CSI:NY)
afteriwake wrote for googlebrat (PINCH HIT): It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And It's Fine, I Guess) (Supernatural)
akire_yta wrote for deifire: Hard Light (Dresden Files)
alizarin_nyc wrote for penmage (PINCH HIT): Alpha Z (Dollhouse)
amaresu wrote for cinaed: (A)Typical Night In (Dresden Files)
amathela wrote for obsessivemuch (PINCH HIT): Evidence of Things Not Seen (Dollhouse)
annerbhp wrote for soundingsea (PINCH HIT): The Chainsaw Job (Leverage)
anr wrote for kell887: Nowhere To Be Found (House)
anr wrote for daffybroad (PINCH HIT): Crawl Across This World (How I Met Your Mother)
aphrodite_mine wrote for incir: all the color drains out of the frame (Chuck)
atrata wrote for magistera (PINCH HIT): The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Westley and Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
avariel_wings wrote for shamusandstone (PINCH HIT): Here There Be Dragons (Firefly)
azure_chaos wrote for spoggly: Ring-a-ring o' roses (Torchwood)
beckyh2112 wrote for curia_regis: After the Fall (Harry Potter)
beggar_always wrote for maryavatar: At the End of the Forest (Merlin)
bhsbaby wrote for dark_roast (PINCH HIT): The Mad Meterologist and His Terrifying Weather Machine (Dollhouse)
boosette wrote for amaresu: Bones Come Marching from the Promised Land (Burn Notice)
caitn wrote for entangled_now: Killing Time in the Shade (NCIS)
cinaed wrote for afrocurl: The Aftermath Job (Leverage)
cjmarlowe wrote for unreckless: I'll never forget the way you look tonight (Supernatural)
curia_regis wrote for ishie: Apocalypse Plan: Number 19 (The Big Bang Theory)
curia_regis wrote for hamimifk (PINCH HIT): Pandemic (House)
curia_regis wrote for 2ndary_author (PINCH HIT): Go gentle into that good night
daffybroad wrote for rhyana: The Inhuman Doctor (Doctor Who)
daffybroad wrote for beckyh2112 (PINCH HIT): Notes from a Zombie Apocalypse (Bones/Angel)
daffybroad wrote for schizoauthoress (PINCH HIT): Skin (BtVS)
danniisupernova wrote for laevatein: Rodeo town (Firefly)
dark_roast wrote for prehistoric_sea: Yes, We Have No Bananas (SG-1/Dollhouse)
distractogirl wrote for originalpuck (PINCH HIT): Well, it started with the cats... (Buffy)
doyle_sb4 wrote for vega_ofthe_lyre (PINCH HIT): The Apocalypse, With Sandwiches (Doctor Who)
eisoj5 wrote for indiana_j: ghost riders in the sky (Harry Potter)
entangled_now wrote for rashaka: We Go In Waves (Pushing Daisies)
escritoireazul wrote for raggedy_edge: Singing Down the World (The Apocalypse Refrain) (Buffyverse/Angel)
floorcandy wrote for avariel_wings: Time Skips (Watchmen)
florahart wrote for boosette (PINCH HIT): Brain Drain (Burn Notice)
ghosts_writer wrote for titti: Forever (NCIS)
googlebrat wrote for zaganthi: Only You Can Save Mankind (SGA)
gryvon wrote for coffeewordangel: Those Who Inherit the Earth (Merlin)
gryvon wrote for fadedsouls (PINCH HIT): Omega Virus (Torchwood)
hamimifk wrote for scottique: Sometimes, I Forget I'm Still Awake and You're Still Gone (House)
hugglewolf wrote for taylorgibbs: The Burden of Regret (CSI: NY)
incir wrote for anr: Blow the Man Down (NCIS)
inveigler wrote for kaizoku (PINCH HIT): Delirium (Buffy)
ishie wrote for eisoj5: Rise of the Zombees (We're Not Calling Them That) (The X-Files)
jain wrote for petitchouette: Stakes Are High (Firefly)
kanedax wrote for liliaeth: Rapture on the Rise (Doctor Horrible)
karrenia_rune wrote for monimala: I Am Not Permanent (I Am Only a Visitor Here) (X-Factor Investigations)
katemonkey wrote for shadowbyrd: The Rational World (Supernatural)
krilymcc wrote for slash4femme: All our days are numbered (Supernatural)
laevatein wrote for soundingsea: The Plan M Job (Leverage)
liliaeth wrote for ryf: Who will defend the kittens (Buffy)
lilyayl wrote for wizefics: Anything-Can-Happen Thursday (The Big Bang Theory)
lyonie17 wrote for perryvic: Letters to Pegasus and Back (SGA/Various Xovers)
maharetr wrote for aphrodite_mine (PINCH HIT): Out beyond the breakers (XMM)
maryavatar wrote for missmara: Interrupting Tardis (Torchwood/Doctor Who)
medie wrote for ryf (PINCH HIT): A House Divided (SG-1)
medie wrote for lilyayl (PINCH HIT): The Way the Lights Went Out (Castle)
misachan wrote for afteriwake: Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down (BtVS/Angel)
missmara wrote for danniisupernova: Aim For The Head
missmara wrote for beckyh2112 (PINCH HIT) : The Good Fight (Bones/Angel)
monimala wrote for karrenia_rune: Apocalypse Now and Then (The Middleman)
moogle62 wrote for beggar_always: scenes from the end of the world (Torchwood)
newredshoes wrote for apocalypsos (PINCH HIT): Chuck Versus the Red Tide (Chuck)
obsessivemuch wrote for escritoireazul: Loyalty (The Fast and the Furious)
originalpuck wrote for soda_and_capes: Howling At The Moon (Harry Potter)
penmage wrote for obsessivemuch: A Damp, Drizzly November in My Soul (Dollhouse)
perryvic wrote for cjmarlowe: When You Are Done (Supernatural)
purple_cube wrote for stripedpetunia (PINCH HIT): The Way That's Paved With Good Intentions (SGA) & Knot Your Fingers Through Mine (SGA)
rhyana wrote for moogle62: Cold Snap (Harry Potter)
ryf wrote for katemonkey: Not Quite What She Expected (Buffyverse/Angel)
schizoauthoress wrote for snowacid: All The Monster Kids (Watchmen)
schizoauthoress wrote for wal_lace (PINCH HIT): A Bed of Bones (BtVS/Angel)
settiai wrote for valderys (PINCH HIT): The End, Begin Again (Torchwood/Doctor Who)
shadowbyrd wrote for livii: As the stars wither (Doctor Who)
shamusandstone wrote for apocalypsos: Lever (Leverage)
slash4femme wrote for maggiebloome: The Final Destination (The Daily Show/Colbert Report)
snowacid wrote for beckyh2112: Mother (Avatar, the Last Airbender)
soda_and_capes wrote for xahra99: Repairs (Iron Man)
soundingsea wrote for csichick_2: Shelter from the Storm (Supernatural)
spoggly wrote for floorcandy: Breaking News (The Daily Show/The Colbert Report)
spoonyriffic wrote for ghosts_writer: Bodily Atrocities of the New Millenium (NCIS/House)
stripedpetunia wrote for krilymcc: How I Survived the Zombie Apocalypse (How I Met Your Mother)
suaine wrote for akire_yta: It Must Be Thursday (Merlin/Chuck)
taylorgibbs wrote for spoonyriffic: Bang, Not Whimper (NCIS/CSI:NY/West Wing)
titti wrote for maggiebloome: Play Crack The Sky (SGA)
titti wrote for gryvon (PINCH HIT): Magic and Bravery (Merlin)
valderys wrote for azure_chaos: Old Glory (XMM)
vega_ofthe_lyre wrote for suaine: from a lacerated sky (Merlin)
wal_lace wrote for mollita: Chuck vs the Meat Puppet (Chuck/Dollhouse)
wizefics wrote for attempt_unique: Pocketful of Posies... and Plague (Psych)
xahra99 wrote for kanedax: Some Day This Crazy World Will Have to End (Doctor Horrible)
xahra99 wrote for misachan (PINCH HIT): In The Heavens, A Fire Seen (Watchmen)
zaganthi wrote for caitn: Out of Genre (Castle)

masterlist: 2009

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