Title: The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Westley and Buttercup
Author: atra (
magisteraFandom: The Princess Bride
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: If you're looking for a feel-good Princess Bride story, I cannot urge you strongly enough to keep looking.
Summary: The sign on Miracle Max's door read, "In case of apocalypse, GO AWAY."
Length: ~6,000 words
A/N: Written (as a pinch-hit) for
magistera in the 2009
apocalyptothon. Mags, I hope you like it! I honor movie canon over book canon where they conflict, but pieces of the book do show up every once in a while. Thanks to
amonitrate for the super-speedy, super-fantastic last-second beta, and to
inediblebuddha for taking me to Steak & Shake and telling me this story so I could write it down.
The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Westley and Buttercup