Feb 23, 2011 13:32
I dreamed about rollerderby and sound recording, but it involved me being bollocked, scolded, and generally told off for getting everything wrong. Woke to feelings of sadness and forboding. Think I am due a fall-down soon.
Pick a character and pretend they have a Facebook! (If they already do, you’re all set.)
Fuck, find a story set in the right era and version of the universe ... Nrrrrrm. I suppose John Hennessey will have to do, although I did just try to imagine Bisley with a facebook and it cracked me the fuck up.
Your character just got home, and it’s time to get in the computer and check their FB account! What email do they sign in with?
Probably something unerringly dull like John.hennessey@gmail.com rather than one hosted by Hinky's sites, if only because he doesn't want anything stupid he does to come back and get Hinky in trouble.
Do they read through the feed, skim it, ignore it, look for certain people’s posts, et cetera? (In other words, what characters do they care about, and how much do they care about them?)
Since he's generally on there to avoid doing anything useful (like filing tax returns herp derp) he reads EVERYTHING. But he does look for Mon's posts. NB: Mon has two accounts, one as herself at her actual age and one as a really shitty band-related pseudonym which has her listed as an adult.
Let’s admit it…do they start a lot of drama?
Yes when he is drunk and avoiding work. John starts fights with people over the tiniest things. Although he is not the epic trollface that Mon is.
Do they play any of the games? If so, which ones?
Yes, all of them, any of them, but not with any consistency. He frequently abandons them.
Do they fan a lot of pages, or ignore them entirely? If so, what kind of pages would they fan?
No fanning of pages because it feels too much like caring.
What about groups - do they join any? Which ones?
He left himself signed in once and Hinky joined him to AA, a couple of private-investigator-related groups, and one "how do I make contact with my estranged parent" group, but John just ignores the notifications from all of them.
Do they like more, comment more, or do both quite a bit? Or are they the silent lurker type that never do either of those things?
John never likes. He hasn't figured out what the point of it is, so he comments. Not very coherently. He lurks on Mon's account, generally, just in case her parents are aware that the adult account is also hers, but everywhere else he is the king of facetious and antagonistic commenting.
Are they Facebook addicts?
Only in the sense of using it as a distraction. John already has one addiction and it is very territorial.
Do they ever use the chat? Who do they usually talk to?
Mon and Hinky. He has everyone else blocked.
Any annoying habits - updating their status frequently, leaving rude comments, rubbing people the wrong way, pestering other members too often, et cetera?
Please see above for "antagonistic commenting". He starts fights a lot and has a tendency to drunk-comment or tag animals as people in photos (usually really ugly animals). He doesn't pester people unless there's a specific reason they've annoyed him.
What's his relationship status?
It's Complicated, which is incredibly accurate. Mon's, incidentally, on both her pseudonymous and actual accounts, is set to "in a relationship".
Based on his interests and profile, what kind of ads would you expect to see?
Mostly music ads.
Poke wars?
Only with Mon.
Well, it’s time to sign off FB now! Why do they have to get off, and are they willing to go?
Probably because he has either passed out drunk or reached the limit of being a dick on the internet that he can get away with and now he actually has to do some research/file his tax returns/find something to eat which isn't toxic.