2007 Round-Up!

Dec 31, 2007 17:09

This was the year of discovering thousands (or so) of new fandoms, and therefore I spent most of my time watching television. Consequently, I wrote less than I did last year, and what I did write is, surprisingly enough, less varied as well, but I am now versed in countless more canons and so the possibilities of me writing fic in new and varied fandoms is actually higher. \o?

This was also the year (or so) of making friends, both on-line and in real life (and sometimes in both categories simultaneously!), and it was fantastic because of it.

2007 also brought:

- languoring websites (*headwall*)
- podfic
- tons and tons and tons of reading. some of it was actual, real books, even!
- Twitter
- &c

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?

I wrote far less than I had hoped to, to be truthful. I'd had these grand plans to finish, oh, Fine Print, and Professional, and I started working on several other stories (the drowning fic, the knitting fic for Yin, that blowjob fic, and a hundred others) that have barely made it past go. So I feel kind of dejected about that.

But on the other hand I wrote in a new fandom (testing the waters, if you will), and I wrote some new characters, and have gotten some practice in verse building, so in a way I *did* write more this year, because I worked longer and harder even though the output was smaller.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2007?

Can I say het, in general? Hilariously, in last year's meme I wrote that my writing risk was slash, which I had never done before, and then this year I surprised myself by writing het, which I had done before, but quite unskillfully.

Anyway, I could probably say things like 'Doctor Who' (because I had not yet watched it), and 'Emmagan/Lorne' (because that came out of nowhere), and that would all make perfect, logical sense. But I think it was really the het in general which is the most surprising to me, because I don't really read it, and was not interested in writing it, and it was not a canon couple (which would at least make sense). So it was really weird.

What's your favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?

All of my writing makes me happy, because even something as short as a comment fic, with only four sentences, takes me several hours to write, because I have strange and annoying issues with word placement and connotation, so it feels like a huge accomplishment to finish even the smallest thing.

But the fic that makes me the happiest, the fic that I probably love the most out of anything I have ever written, the fic that actually is only as good as it is because general_jinjur is fucking amazing, is Harbour in Stormy Waters.

Did you take any writing risks this year? (See above for unexpected pairings, etc.) What did you learn from them?

I used to be *cough* quite arrogant, and thought I didn't need an editor. Possibly because the only editing I had ever received was from either someone who told me what I'd written was fantastic and didn't need to be changed, or was from someone who criticised me in completely non-constructive ways and did it to make me feel bad about myself. But anyway, basically I was young and stupid. And then I took a creative writing class, and got some actual constructive advice from a professor, and it helped make my writing better, and then I realized that I had been missing out and not growing as a writer for, like, years, and so I asked for help.

Which I feel was very grown up of me (because I am kind of immature) and which I have done a lot more of this year, in all aspects of my life, because it is The Smart Thing To Do. :)

Anyway - this is the part where I could expound for hours on the awesomeness of general_jinjur, who edits my fic and gives me all sorts of support (like making me outlines, and helping me organize, and telling me when I should write more of things and telling me when I should not write more of things), but it would get gooey and embarrassing for both of us, so I will just say this: she is my most important writing asset. She is completely invaluable and I don't know what I'd do without her. ♥ x infinity! Asking for help was the smartest thing I've ever done, and I'm lucky she was around to help me. And, you know, hasn't run the other way screaming. *shifty eyes* Yet. XD

A second risk I took, which was quite uncharacteristic of me, was signing up to write for the Enterprise Virtual Season 6, because let's face it, I'm (catastrophically) bad with deadlines. And writing mysteries. *cough* Oops? But it worked out in the end, sort of, and it was an awesome experience. What I learned from it, though, was not to do it again, because the stress, it does things to my brain. Also, I learned that psychology textbooks and websites about Vulcan physiology actually do go together rather well, in a geeky sort of way.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?

Well, my ultimate goal is to finish all the fic I have ever started, but that's unreasonable and won't happen in the next year. I would like to finish Fine Print, and at least two of my other started fics. Hopefully this will actually happen and I won't just talk about it endlessly without making any headway, as I tend to do.

I would also like to write in at least one new fandom next year, and seeing as I have so many to choose from now, it will be interesting to see what I end up writing.

Also, I want to record more of my own podfic, muster the nerve to ask someone to record one of theirs, and finish my website.

If I only do one of the these things I will be a happy camper. :)

And finally, in what I believe to be chronological order, I present you with a complete list of this year's dabbles into fandom, for your enjoyment.



untitled ficlet for yin_again
Weight for the International "How the heck did I get that bruise??" Day!
Harbour in Stormy Waters
untitled ficlet for Kissing Meme: The Sequel
Infatuated for the Porn Battle
untitled ficlet for the International "I think I'm chafing" day! (water) Challenge

Doctor Who:

The New Black for the International "I think I'm chafing" day! (water) Challenge


Wakeless for Enterprise Virtual Season 6



Bringing Sexy Back (as only the Ancients can)
Harbour in Stormy Waters
4 ways Chuck might have come to Atlantis (and 1 way he really did)

See you next year! :D

round-up, creativity, writing fic

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