FAQ (Please Read. It has changed a bit since last time!)
A. Because the last one was made of awesome and I didn't want to tire out on Naps for lo that would a sad thing indeed. So I figured we should branch out a bit. But think! HURT/COMFORTY SNUGGLY GOODNESS ABOUNDS! That is not to say you have to include snuggles, just that there's limitless possibilities. (For those of you who voted for other options, they were all almost equally popular, and might I say wow, that we'll definitely get to them all at one point.)
Q. Is it really International "How the heck did I get that bruise??" Day!?
A. Better question: Is it ever not? I don't know about you, but just this morning I looked at my arm and said "Wow, where did I get that?"
Q. How does one participate?
A. Any fandom, any pairing and any injury! Comment fic here with your fandom and other pertinent info in the subject line for easy perusal!
NOTE: PLEASE use the subject lines. This is not just for those reading, but for me. As I will be updating the post regularly, sorting through all of the replies takes time and giving it a subject line with your pairing and fandom helps me know when a new story has been posted. Otherwise I simply get a lot of "reply to post" emails. If you check the last challenge, you'll see there's 699 replies, many of which came in during the original challenge. Thank you for helping out! p.s. If you are in an active canon fandom, please note spoilers in the subject line as well!
Q. Are there any other rules?
A. Other than the ouchies motif? I think we're-- *thud* ow. Good.
Q. When?
A. From now till Monday morning! Yes, yes, more than a day. Shut up. Specifically, until I wake up enough to call an end to the challenge. I figure this gives all the time zones plenty of chances.
Q. Where?
A. Here please! So this entry can become a big bundle of recovering booboos. Please wait till Monday to post to your own LJs.
Q. I cannot write or I do not have time but I wish to help, what do I do?
A. Pimp this post!
For writers:
Q. So what sort of stories would keep me on topic?
A. I'm not going to restrict you too hard. Your characters can have anything from a paper cut to internal bleeding. But this is supposed to be comfy in similar ways to the nap!fic so keep that in mind? Personally I'll probably end up with bruise kissing or liniment massaging fic written when I get the chance.
purpleallison WINS! Prize? What? Um.
Here's the link! 9th Doctor! (SEE NOT EVEN SGA!)
ladycat777 comes through with sga!
yin_again here!
dogeared here!
morebliss here!
omgmetoo here! (Tao of Rodney Spoilers)
ltlj here!
sheafrotherdon here! AND
tx_tart here!
30toseoul here!
toft_froggy here! AAND
infinimato here!
irishamber here!
sly_bone here with SG1 (Daniel/Cam) AND
here (John /Rodney)
thefannishwaldo here!
thegrrrl2002 here!
pentapus here!
wolfshark here!
bluflamingo here!
vegablonde here!
solvent90 here!
franticsga here!
lyl_devil here! (Mag7!!)
rivier here! (Torchwood)
magic_at_mungos here! (HP)
awfulfruit here! (SGA RPS)
idyanne here! (tag for Common Ground)
wildestranger here (torchwood)
amireal here!
siriaeve here!
aphelant here! (spoilers for Sunday)
irishamber here! (tag for Common Ground)
domtheknight here! (SG1)
workerb here! (NCIS)
lallybroch here!
spark_force here! (tag for Line in the Sand)
telesilla here!
archae_ology here! (SGA RPS)
tacit_uk here!
omgmetoo here!