Undertakers are on the Internet too

Sep 06, 2007 14:25

Since the shopblogger made me aware of him, I've been reading the bestatter. It's the blog of a prolific German undertaker. Fans of "Six Feet Under" will love it, in fact he is a fan himself. The blog deals with some pretty heavy stuff but there is also room for humour. Like in the intro to a recent entry about a job interview.

Bin ja eigentlich kein Morgenmuffel. Im Grunde bin ich gerade morgens ein fröhlicher und aufgeweckter Mensch, vor allem dann, wenn man mich die ersten 1-2 Stunden nicht anspricht, mir ständig Kaffee reicht und mir am besten einfach aus dem Wege geht…

I'm not really a morning grouch. Basically in the mornings I'm cheerful and chipper, particularly if for the first hour or two, people don't try to talk to me,  but keep giving me coffee and simply stay out of my way...

linkage, german

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