Short, Solitary Commute = Good

Sep 05, 2007 18:22

I've been working from home yesterday and today. The tube strike is over, though, so tomorrow I'll have to commute into the office.

The last two days have, again, brought home how much the commute detracts from my quality of life. It's only about an hour each way, so it's not by any means out of the ordinary. But the fact is that it takes 2 hours out of my life every day.

Yesterday evening I was able to spend several hours in the garden working and watering. It was fun and the garden looks a lot less unloved now. I was done by the time I usually get home in the evening. This means that on the weekend I can choose to spend a little extra time on the garden or on going walking. Or maybe I'll clean my windows.

Today I find myself wanting to do something with the remaining 3 hours of my day. Maybe I'll sort out my garden pictures, maybe I do something more active. The point is that I feel like doing something and I have the time and the energy.

Another part of what makes the commute so tiring for me is that I commute on the tube. I have in the past been driving into the office and, even though this was in London traffic, I was a lot less tired afterwards. Being safe in my little cocoon of metal is much less stressful than being open to noise, smells and jostling on the tube. In my car I decide over the temperature, smells, noise etc. and I always get a seat.

My strategy for finding my next flat is going to take all this into account. To begin with, I'm staying in a long-term hotel in the Bay Area until I've found a job. Once I have the job, then only will I start looking for a flat. There are lots of things that are important about the flat, not the least the neighbourhood, amenities and rent. But being close to work is very, very important. Anything over 30 minutes is pretty much out of the picture.

Also, public transport will not figure into where I choose to live. I know it's heresy but I hate going on public transport and as long as I'm not compelled to use it, I'll leave it to others. They'll be glad of the extra seat. Not having to use public transport is quality of life for me.

commute, moving to the us

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