Title: Snuggly Reading
Fandom: Golden Girls
Author: Apache Firecat
Characters: Blanche+/Dorothy
Rating: PG/K+
Summary: Dorothy's not going anywhere.
Word Count: 200
Written For:
Drabble-Weekly Amnesty 28: 278: Snuggle
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.
"You're always home!" Blanche pouted. "You're always... boring!"
"I'm not bored -- "
"Come out with me, shugah!" Her long, beautiful arms gestured Dorothy closer. "We'll have a great night out on th' town with th' brothers! A much, much bettah time than sittin' at home readin' some stuffy ol' book!"
"I'm comfortable right where I am, Blanche. All this weather is good for is snuggling -- "
"What could be better to snuggle with than a handsome, charming man, Dorothy? A real man, a hot man, a man who'll not only keep you warm but will curl yoah toes like you ain't evah had yoah toes curled before! Ah'm telling ya, Dorothy, these two brothers -- "
"Then you enjoy them, Blanche!" Dorothy snapped, interrupting her. She lifted her novel. "I'm staying right here in this bed with this book." There were many things to which were far better to snuggle than men, who could be so snobbish, ugly, demanding, and just completely world shattering when they left forty years up the road. Books were one. She'd much rather have Blanche under the covers, but she'd never say so. Instead she turned another page and proceeded to ignore the dramatic, gorgeous Southern belle.
The End