Will and I put Shrek in this weekend; haven't watched it in ages. Forgot how fantastic the original was, and so we're heartily giggling over it as if it were brand new again. We also stumbled onto
a House re-run (from 2007, if script dialogue is anything to go by) last night; it's the first one I've ever seen - I know the vague basic concept, but that's about it. It was the ep with the mystery man whose blood turned to sludge if his temperature dropped at all, and some sort of grudge match between House and Cutty (sp?). The grudge confused the heck out of me, but the medical part of the ep was interesting. Might have to watch a few more. :D When is it usually on?
God turned on the fan last night - holy windstorm, Batman! I made the mistake of removing my earplugs around 5am and thus was unable to fall asleep due to the noise. It continued to blow a gale most of the day; it seemed to calm a little this afternoon, but returned later on. Or, as Two said, "I thought it had died down, but I guess it died back up again." :D More earplugs tonight, methinks.
I ran nearly 2.5 miles on the treadmill this morning, then took MiniPlu to Chinese, where I finished my textbook assignment for next week, did the Sudoku, and wound a hand-twisted skein of yarn into a regular ball. The latter took nearly a frickin' HOUR, because, of course, the yarn tangled about halfway through and was a beast to finish.
Will, who was (FINALLY) tackling taxes this morning (and getting cranky about the nagging but - seriously - time's ticking!), discovered some items he thought he needed for itemization and couldn't find, so I swung by the bank to get that info on the way back from Chinese. However, Will had not properly described what he needed, so I came home with the wrong info. :P He went back out with MiniPlu after lunch - and was gone an HOUR. (The bank is across the street, mind you.) He didn't answer his cell, either - must've been (annoyingly) turned off. When he came home - annoyed that *I* was annoyed that he hadn't contacted me about the delay - he discovered we didn't have quite enough to make itemization worthwhile after all. And the bank hadn't been able to get the info he wanted, either. So he was pretty peevish for awhile, but he did finish the taxes, and e-filed the federal form, so - PHEW. I can take the state forms to the post office on Monday. Will also worked on reconciling way-old bank statements.
MiniPlu spent 'rest time' and part of the afternoon afterwards voluntarily cleaning her room. Not that it ever gets too messy, but still - a worthwhile activity, and she inspired me to finally tackle some of the clutter that's been driving me crazy lately. Our bedroom now looks MUCH better. You might still think it's cluttered, but compared to the past ... um ... unspecified period of time, it's way, way better. I also found a bunch of stuff I'd completely forgotten about: cozy house socks I'd bought for Will (now that winter's over :P), some books and chalk I'd bought for the girls, and a pile of stuff we'd bought in Hawaii that I hadn't dealt with because when we first came back, it had been such an unhappy trip that I didn't even want to LOOK at anything Hawaiian. Two photos of hula dancers to hang on the wall, a pack of plumeria greeting cards, a separate plumeria photo card that I think I bought to frame, some little paua-shell necklaces we'd bought as Christmas gifts for our nieces, and a bookmark. (No idea who it was meant for.) I also found a plumeria watercolor my father had made that I'd meant to frame, and hadn't. Found some Battleship ships we'd thought were missing. Found a bra that's been missing for months. Threw out piles of paper/magazines/newspaper. Put away stacks of CDs, books and bits of toys/games. Oy.
Anyway - a reasonably productive day all around. Two was DESPERATE for some attention, seeing as everyone else in the family was occupied for much of the day, but Will and I did each play a round of Sorry with her (which she is just learning), and I read to her a bit. I've also started reading GoF to the girls (I really don't know how they'll handle it, but we'll give it a shot), so I read aloud while MiniPlu did the dinner dishes. We're up to Page 50 already - just read the part where Dudley has eaten the Ton-Tongue Toffee, and everyone has escaped to the Burrow. :D
Time to spend a little time with Will before he crashes.