What we did and didn't do today

Apr 05, 2009 21:52

Skipped church today. I'm a terrible Christian, but I really dislike going to services on Palm Sunday because the reading is so frickin' long. We've been listening to Jesus Christ Superstar, instead, which, after all, covers the same period of time, and I've discussed the finer points of the week with the girls, so I feel like they're getting the same information. Just in a slightly unorthodox format. ;)

Instead, we went out to breakfast at diner across the street. It's not nearly as good as the family restaurant chain which used to be there (there's still a branch about 8 miles away but we decided not to make the trek today), but it's cheaper, the service was good, and it was tasty enough, anyway. MiniPlu managed to spill syrup down her front - twice - which made her grumpy for the rest of the morning even though I was doing laundry anyway and there's no lasting harm. Two was less than cooperative in the afternoon, saying something mean at lunch, throwing a tantrum when told to leave the table, and stuffing things under her bed when told to clean up even though Will and I have BOTH talked to her about not doing that. I confiscated those items. :P The girls were all right the rest of the day, though - they had a blast at the local playground, and then played together without ONE fight while I made dinner - in fact, they were so enthusiastic, they didn't want to come down to eat right away, so Will and I had a nice dinner together, and did the Sunday sudoku while we ate. ;) We also got to talk for about an hour after the girls went to bed, about Easter basket plans, the new car issues, etc. It seems like we so rarely get to talk anymore or spend any sort of quality time without having our noses in computers or being involved in other activities (or Will being in bed early) - it was nice to have those opportunities today.

Didn't feel like I got as much done today, but I did make dinner (Chicken Florentine roll-ups), my weekly pot of chicken soup, a double batch of yogurt, went to the grocery, did two loads of laundry, got on the exercise bike (but didn't get to ab workout) and ordinary routine schtuff.

Alas, a week after recovering from the last bug, I'm threatened by yet another cold, sigh. The previous illness was more annoying than anything - I felt perfectly well aside from a sore throat and then a mild but chronic cough. The sore throat is back and ... we'll just see what sort of cold it's attached to. :P

I blasted my way through Aunt Dimity: Vampire Hunter, which I picked up at the library on Friday. Just what I was in the mood for (which is saying something, as I'm currently in one of those "I'm tired of all my usual stuff - food, movie, tv, etc - but don't know what I want instead" moods). My friend Jen said it apparently contradicts some character history as laid out in a previous book, but it's been so long since I read that previous book, I no longer remembered those details and so nothing bothered me about this one. Just good, light-mystery fun.

I close by pointing out that penguin474 has written some ficlets-in-reponse-to-prompts here. Fandoms: HP and something Japanese-anime-ish, I think?, but I don't know for sure. Anyway - penguin474 has a really lovely writing style, so go check them out!

Monday cometh. And so to bed.

fic recs, achievements, books, health:other

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