Punctuation Police: Perfunctory Probation

Aug 08, 2014 20:07

I just had a totally awesome visual I came up with in a comment.

It felt like a pretty high quality comment but that's not really for me to judge. It's for the...commentee? They who doth been commented on?


It felt like it was a run-on sentence, even with all of the punctuation I packed in there. I recognize that punctuation only goes so far in redeeming you from the crime against humanity that is the run-on sentence...but I didn't know where to break it up?

I'm pretty certain that if commas were people they'd report me for abuse.

But they'd have to wait in line behind the parenthesis.

I've been sitting in front of the laptop for...I dunno, an hour? I need to get back to that cleaning binge I started. New towels in the bathroom, woot woot! Sort of a bluey-teal thing I reckon? I haven't decided how I feel about the colours yet. While I love lime and my bathroom happened to be that colour when I moved in (how bold!) I was a bit stumped at the store looking at the towels on sale trying to figure out what would not look horrendous when I put it on the towel rack at home. I wish they had four...and I should get a regular towel size for the floor...so much easier than the heavy rubber-backed things that can get moldy and suck to clean and eliminates the risk of slipping, yay!

Why are shower curtains so obnoxious to clean? I swear if I had the floor space I'd haul it out of the bathroom and lay it on the floor where I could scrub it instead of doing it in the air. Buying new ones is so wasteful.

comments, cleaning, creativity

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