I finished my scarf!

Apr 27, 2009 02:54

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this person, infamous for leaving things unfinished, has just completed her first scarf ever!!

To be honest I wasn’t sure I wasn’t going to get fed up halfway through, but knitting was more fun than I though It’d be, so I surprised myself by completing the length of scarf I wanted, and in barely more than two weeks, too!!

Here, a picture of the finished scarf (sorry about the low quality):

My next project is going to be a bit more ambitious. It’s called the “Column of Leaves” scarf, and you can find the pattern right here. It’s a bit trickier than what I’ve done so far, but there are even videos available on how to knit this scarf, so I’ll probably be fine. I considered picking something slightly less difficult, but I honestly fell in love with this pattern... Now I just have to go and pick some other pretty yarn for it. Wonder what colour I should make this one...?

And what am I going to do with so many scarves? Wear them, I suppose. :P

Oh!, and BTW... sparklyfanta , this is still your fault, for getting me hooked to knitting!!


...thank you.


pictures, knitting

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