all wrong.. ?

Mar 27, 2009 05:43

My sleeping is practically backwards again.
It's been a good two weeks (starting around the time I lost internet), but I haven't really drawn or made anything for over a week and it seems really fucked up. Like, I do what I normally do and I can't even make circles all nice and obsessively anymore (I'm working on it?).

Besides that I think things are going pretty well right now. I'm hoping I'll be able to visit India when my friend goes this summer (oh gosh, that means I'll have to get shots) or go somewhere in general. My mom's friend is also getting married this summer. That'll be my second wedding this year. Makes me think about how weird it'll be when people around my age will be getting married in 5-10 years. (At the last wedding my aunt was talking to me about how I'm basically on the market now. OH GOSH.)

As a sidenote... this actually makes me want to wear neon pants.

ps: And I watched Twilight with my friend for shits (she wanted to watch the Cedric Digory boy) and WHAT THE FUCK. I didn't read the book but if it's anything like the movie then it's complete crap. =/

movies, sleep, music, fashion, life

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