Can I be more excited for this!?
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and by the way, what the hell?
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One children's book done right, and another (most likely) done wrong...? (Actually, I'll probably see both anyway..)
I read both of these a lot when I was young. 'Where the Wild Things Are' is a classic and Sendak is great. 'Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs' I liked a lot for the illustrations and I'm way sad this movie doesn't preserve much of it (nor the storyline for that matter).
Album love:
- N.A.S.A. - The Spirit of Apollo (N.A.S.A. Anthem)
- Utada - This is the One (Me Muero)
- Epik High - 魂 Map the Soul (Scenario)
Uh... get at them? (: